Saturday, October 26, 2013

Part V ~ Lesson 1 of 6 – The Timeline of the End

The Sequence of Endtime Events

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the prophecies of the End Times …

This is our final segment of lessons. In this segment we will pull it all together. We will look at the overview timeline of endtime events. We are going to review as logically and carefully as we can all we have learned so that we can get it permanently in our minds exactly how all these things fit together.

First we will review the critical point of how we can understand the chronology of the Book of Revelation. There are two keys to it.

Key #1: Revelation 1:19 says to write the things thou has seen, the things which are, and the things which are hereafter. These are the 3 categories to the Book of Revelation.

Key #2: Understand that the Book of Revelation is NOT written in chronological order from front to back. It is in an order, but NOT in chronological order from Chapter 1 through Chapter 22. We find the key in the fact that the 6th and 7th Seal, the 7th Trumpet and the 7th Vial are all the exact same event. This then helps us to know that the Trumpets are the Long Story, the Seals are the Shorter Story, and the Vials are the Very Short Story.

By now, we all know the Vials happen after the end of the Great Tribulation. It's the Vials that contain the Wrath of God.

We've seen this overview and have compared the 6th and 7th Seal, the 7th Trumpet and the 7th Vial to Matthew 24 and Ezekiel 38.

Matthew 24 is the famous prophecy chapter spoken by Jesus Christ, Himself, called the Olivet Discourse.

Ezekiel 38 is the prophecy about the Battle of Armageddon in all of it's detail. It tells who will be there. Russia will be the dominate force.

All of these things converge together and we can see that we are talking about the same events. This opens the door to a whole new understanding of the Book of Revelation.

Remember ~ the Book of Revelation is NOT written in chronological order. It begins with the time of John, who wrote it. Then the portion from Revelation 4:1, on are things which will be in the future from John's perspective.

The First thing that actually happens in that future perspective is the opening and unleashing of the Seals, which is recorded in Revelation 6.

Another critical point that really contributes to our understanding is that once we realize that all these events are not contained in the 7 year period, when you understand the identity of the White Horse, the Red Horse, the Black Horse and the Pale Horse (the Four Men of the Apocalypse) you really get the view of that this thing started maybe 200 or 300 years after the vision was given and then began to play out. There are some things that have already happened, and there are some things that are yet to happen. From our vantage point, it's not all history, but part of it is history. Part of it is yet future. So we live in a very interesting time. The longer we live, the more will be history and the less will be future because we are actually living in the Book of Revelation right now.

Let's quickly review the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials so we can reafirm our timelines, understand what we know and we can progress from this point.

7 Seals
  1. Catholicism
  2. Communism
  3. Capitalism
  4. Islam
  5. Souls under altar: “Avenge!”
  6. Wrath of God
  7. Silence in heaven ½ hour

7 Trumpets
  1. World War I (?)
  2. World War II
  3. Chernobyl
  4. Shortening of Days
  5. Gulf War: Saddam Hussein
  6. War that kills “third part of men”
  7. Wrath of God

7 Vials
  1. Sores on those who take Mark
  2. Sea becomes blood
  3. Rivers, fountains become blood
  4. Men scorched by sun
  5. Darkness fills Satan's kingdom
  6. Euphrates River dries up
  7. Armageddon

Now let's put all 21 elements out here and see how it all meshes together:

<<<4th Seal = Islam <<<<<<<>>>>>> 4th Seal = Islam>>>

1st Seal
2nd Seal
3rd Seal
1st Trump
2nd Trump
3rd Trump
4th Trump
5th Trump
6th Trump
5th Seal
6th Seal 7th Trump All Vials
7th Seal
WW I (?)
Days Short-ened
Gulf War
Souls under altar
Wrath of God
Silence in heaven

It's very important for you to realize how these are running concurrently together. You have the Seals opening, but you also have the Trumpets sounding under the era of the 4th Seal. So we can see that these overlap. They are each taking their own pace, but they are all going to end up at the same point.

We are certain that the 6th Trumpet will sound before the 5th Seal is opened. We determined that by analyzing Revelation 8, which shows the sequence of the Trumpets and how they are actually spelled out. We know that the Abomination of Desolation, which launches the Great Tribulation, happens in Revelation 10:5. The 6th Trumpet happens in Revelation 9 and occurs before the 5th Seal. This is a very critical point, because what we are trying to do is to show exactly how this all fits together.

Next, we will look at the next timeline we considered ~ Daniel's 70th Week.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, of whom I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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