Sequence of Endtime Events
God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the prophecies of the
End Times …
more element of the Wrath of God is the judgement of the great whore.
You can study it in detail in my posting titled, “Coming One-World
Religion”. It is very important that we recognize who the Mother of
harlots is, who her daughters are, and that you not be a part of her
system. It is a tremendous deception.
are now going to show where the great whore is judged. All this is so
critical because this deals with religion. When we deal with
religion, we deal with a most sensitive subject and can upset
are 2 Chapters in the Bible that talk about the false religions of
the endtime. Chapter 17 and Chapter 18. We know there is going to be
a great religious leader in the endtime called the False Prophet. He
is going to influence the whole religious world of which all of us
are a part. He is going to influence the religious world to follow
the Antichrist. Many people who call themselves Christians are going
to follow the Antichrist and they are not going to believe they are
following the Antichrist. Jesus warned that many will come in His
name and deceive many.
passage begins in Revelation 17:1 when it talks about the judgment of
a woman whose name is Mystery Babylon. Revelation 17:1 says, “...
Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore
comes the question, “When will the great whore be judged?” The
answer is found under the 7th Vial.
the 6th Vial, you will remember the River Euphrates was
dried up to make way for the kings of the earth to come down against
Israel at Armageddon. God then issues His final warning that He comes
as a thief. We are now on the very edge, right after the great
earthquake, Revelation 16:19 says:
the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the
nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to
give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.”
is the judgment of Babylon. Many people have speculated that New York
City, or America could be Babylon. None of that is true. My posting
titled, “One-World Religion” teaches you that it is not just
“Babylon”, but it is “Mystery Babylon”. The name of this
woman is “Mystery Babylon”. There is not going to be a city on
this earth named “Babylon”. There is going to be a city under
another name. It is easily identifiable in Revelation 17 and 18.
critical point is When does this happen? It happens at the time of
the 7th Vial and we know that all 7 Vials make up the
Wrath of God. We know the events that dovetail into the endtime are:
- 6th Seal, 7th Trumpet, All Vials
- Immediately after Wrath of Satan
- Wrath of God
- Day of the Lord
- Coming of the Lord
- He comes as a thief
- The gathering
is the Grand Finale of this era of human government. This is the
grand finalization of Satan's attempt on earth. It is at this point
that Satan goes into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years. This is the
point that Jesus Christ comes and the kingdoms of this world become
the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He reigns for ever and
we pull all this together, the picture becomes clearer. We are moving
toward it and all the details are falling into place. The reason why
we are being able to understand all this is because we are the people
of the endtime. The Bible says these things will be sealed up until
the time of the end and at that time it will be opened. We are living
in a very exciting time right now.
up, we are now going to deal with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
and how it is going to happen. We are going to see that He comes in
the clouds and that the angels are going to do the gathering.
Ones, if you become a millionaire, if you become the CEO of your
company, no matter what you achieve in your life, if you are not
prepared and you miss the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, your life
has been an abject failure. However, if you are poor, you never have
much, you end up dying in debt, and yet you are ready for the Second
Coming, then your life has been an incredible success. Either way and
everything in between, you need to be ready for the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, of whom I am
accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and
support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries
and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to
visit his website at
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