Sunday, August 4, 2013

Part 6 of 6 – Israel ~ God's Prophetic Timeclock

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

Let's take a closer look to events during the Final 7 years. You are getting ready to experience these things. These things are going to unfold right in our news, right before our eyes, in the very near future. Some of these events are already in motion right now.

The Final 7 Years begins with the Confirmation of the Covenant. That's when the international community, Israel and the Palestinians, agree that Israel has a right to the homeland confirming the Abrahamic Covenant that God made with Abraham way back in Genesis 15:18. So the Confirmation of the Covenant is the prophecy with a date on it. When that occurs, 7 years to Armageddon ~ 7 years to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Now, once this happens, the world governmental system will gain power very rapidly. It won't be in total control, yet. We already see, under the process of globalization, that one-world government is gaining power. We already have a world court, a world bank, a world health organization, a world trade organization. There are a lot of global institutions being set up right now. All of that will escalate rapidly when the final 7 years begins and when the confirmation of the covenant takes place.

Once those things occur, we know the Temple Mount will be placed under a sharing arrangement. The Temple will be rebuilt. The Temple has to be completed before the midway point. The Bible is very clear that at the midway point, the Antichrist will sit in the Temple. You can't sit in the Temple if there is none. It appears that this Temple will be rebuilt during the first 3 ½ years of the prophesied Final 7 years.

Once the Temple is rebuilt, animal sacrifices will be resumed. That's going to cause a lot of problems because there are so many people that will object to a morning sacrifice, an evening sacrifice. The animal rights activists are absolutely going to go berserk over this. Consequently, the Antichrist is going to stop the sacrifices. That's also going to cause him to do something else.

He will place the abomination that maketh desolate. The Antichrist will probably say something like, “All right, it's been rumored that I might be the Messiah. I brought peace and security to Israel. I've opened the door for you to build your Temple. Many of you think that is what the Messiah will do. I have been cross-examined, 'are you the Messiah?' I have postponed telling you until now, but this explains why we stopped the sacrifices. You don't need that anymore. I'm the Messiah.”

He will stand on the Temple Mount, probably claiming to be the Messiah to the Jewish people, the return of Christ to the Christians, the Twelfth Imam to the Muslims, the Fifth Buddha to the Buddists, everybody who is expecting some kind of great Teacher or a Savior to come, he will claim to be all things to all men. That's when we will know who the Antichrist is. It says, “then shall the Antichrist be revealed.” and it's about this same time that his religious partner, the False Prophet, will pull down fire from heaven.

We don't know that time for sure, but the Bible says that the False Prophet will pull down fire from heaven in the sight of men and the awesomeness of this miracle, he will use his influence to tell the world, you must follow the Antichrist. It will be an alliance between the political leader of the world and the spiritual leader of the world; between the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Those things happen around the halfway point and the Antichrist, claiming to be God, will happen exactly at the halfway point, in the middle of the 7 year period. It is called the Abomination of Desolation.

When the Abomination of Desolation happens, the Jews living in Judea will have to run for their lives. Jesus said, “When you see the Abomination of Desolation, then those that live in Judea must run for their life because the tribulation will be such as never has been before, nor ever again will be.”

It will be a time of tremendous religious and political persecution against all those that will not bow the knee to Antichrist, his new-world order and his new-world religious system.

While the Antichrist and the False Prophet are beginning their ministries, two witnesses will begin their ministries. These witnesses are from God. While the Antichrist and the False Prophet are preaching Satan's message, the two witnesses will come along and they will preach what God has given them to preach. This will result in a great revival in Israel, especially among the Jews.

Most of Israel will not turn to Jesus Christ yet, but a portion of them will, according to Zechariah 12:7:
“The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.”

This revival will be ongoing, even while the great tribulation is ongoing.

During this final 3 ½ years is when the Mark of the Beast will be implemented and the Mark of the Beast will go on and become evermore controlling during those final 3 ½ years. The Antichrist will want to control every person on earth.

The Bible says in order to get your mark, which will be needed to participate in the economy, you will have to do something you can never do. You will have to worship the Antichrist and pledge allegiance to his one-world government.

The Bible says anybody that does this will be forever damned. We cannot do that. Yet, you're going to have to do it to participate in the economy. That's the reason this time is called the Great Tribulation.

Once we get through this 3 ½ years, however, we come to the end of the final 7 years. At the end of the final 7 years, the world community, undoubtedly the United Nations, a world peace-keeping force, will come down to invade Israel under some premise. We don't know if it will be because Israel refuses to yield her nuclear weapons, or exactly what the charge will be. There will be a resolution passed against Israel; the world community will invade Israel. The Bible says in Zechariah 14:2:
“For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle;...”

That will trigger the Battle of Armageddon and that also will trigger the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. At the Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be destroyed; the governments of men will be removed and we are going to crown Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

So we have to ask this question:

How close are we right now?

There are many signs that the 7 years could begin very soon. We know that the Middle East peace agreement will do 3 things:
  1. Establish the final borders of Israel.
  2. Place the Temple Mount under a sharing arrangement under international authority.
  3. Allow the building of Israel's third Temple.

The Middle East peace is presently a high priority of the international community. They want to get this done.

Furthermore, in recent negotiations, the negotiators have indicated that they agreed borders are achievable. We can get this done.

However, the Temple Mount is a troublesome issue. Both, Presidents Clinton and Obama have agreed the only answer is to put the Temple Mount under a sharing agreement ~ just like the Bible says.

Furthermore, preparations have been made to rebuild the Temple. All the furniture is ready right now.

The most likely scenario is World War III will happen. We haven't talked about that. That apparently happens just before the final 7 years begins. The Bible talks about this war that will kill 1/3 of mankind ~ 2 billion people.

In the aftermath of this war, it's going to produce an unprecidented cry for peace. When 2 billion people lie dead, the demand for peace will be absolutely deafening and this will drive the world community, Israel and the Palestinians into this prophesied peace agreement.

The third Temple will then be built. When the religious fervor that will happen after 2 billion die, it's going to cause the world to say, “Let them build their Temple. Maybe this will give us favor with God.”

Looking over it one more time ~ God's Prophetic Time Clock ~ The prophecy with a date on it.

The world community and the Antichrist will make a peace agreement with Israel. They are trying to do it now.

This agreement will place the Temple Mount under a sharing arrangement. That's already been proposed.

The agreement will allow the building of Israel's third Temple on the Temple Mount. Everything is prepared for this to happen right now.

Just ahead of us ~ the Final 7 Years will begin. I hope you are all ready for it. This is going to be a fabulous event.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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