Friday, August 23, 2013

Part 5 of 6 – 666: Mark Of The Beast

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

Satan is planning this trap. He intends to be able to control everyone, force them to adopt his way of life and to, ultimately, worship him.

That's where this whole thing is leading. That's what the Bible says in Revelation 13, where this prophecy is given. The Bible says that all people will be forced to worship the Antichrist, Satan's personal agent. In so doing, they will be committing idolatry against God, Himself.

When the terrorist attack took place on 9/11, the whole nation was in an uproar. Congress decided to appoint a Commission called the 9/11 Commission and said, “We want you to calculate how to make America safe.”

Such prestigious people as Henry Kissinger and others were on the Commission. Congress straightly charged them, “But do not come back with the mandate to establish a national ID. We're not going to do that.”

What did the 9/11 Commission do? They came back and said, “Well, what we need is a means of secure identification for all of our citizens.”

They didn't say, “We need a national ID”, but that's exactly what they meant. They came back and did exactly what Congress told them not to do.

The result was ~ the Real ID Act was passed, first of all in the House of Representatives without much fanfare. Most people didn't even know it was being considered. It was already passed. When this hit the news, immediately opposition arose.

The Real ID Act called for bringing your original birth certificate to the license branch, your original social security card, and proof of your address. You then had to submit to a digital photo when the driver's license was issued because the international community was planning on the facial recognition technology to ultimately establish a global ID. That was one of the the things they built into this Real ID Act.

All of this information was to be placed in a database for sharing with all of the other states. If you received your liense in Texas or Indiana, they would put all of your information in that database, but that database had to be linked to all the other databases of the other 49 states. You couldn't have two or three licenses in different states.

In so doing, you created a national ID. If you had the database that states could access, Federal Government also could access it. That means that they could control you with that ID. For example, if you were forbidden to have a license in Indiana, you couldn't get one in Texas or California. Since you didn't have your ID, that means you're not going to be able to fly in an airplane, enter a Federal building, drive a car, open a bank account, or even hold a job.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Once they establish a system where you can no longer hold a job, that means you can no longer buy or sell. If you don't have a job, you don't have any money and that means you cannot buy or sell.

The prophecy in Revelation 13 says that this system is going to be implemented where every person will have to have a mark or a number, and without it, you cannot buy or sell. We are veering treacherously close to the precipice now that was prophesied about 2000 years ago, but could only be fulfilled right now.

The people that want the Real ID deny that it is a national ID even though it is an “ID” and that it's going to be “national”. They don't care about being honest, they just want to take this next step where big government could become bigger because they think they know what's best for your life and mine. They've forgotten what freedom is really all about. They don't believe in freedom, anymore. They believe that man is inherently evil and that you are guilty until you're proven innocent. So we have to keep track of everybody, everywhere, all the time.

Americans don't believe that. We believe people are innocent until proven guilty and the government has no right to check your papers, to come in your house, to search your automobile or anything else. They don't have the right to say, “Papers, please”.

That's the American tradition, but if we don't fight with all of our might for this tradition we're going to lose it, even here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

They couldn't get the Real ID Act passed in the Senate, so it's time for some political trickery. They decide that they will attach it to the back of an appropriation bill for our troops in Iraq. It was one of those “must-pass” bills. It goes through with flying colors. They pass the Real ID Act on the back of a bill that had nothing to do with the Real ID Act. President Bush signed it on May 11, 2005.

This bill said it should be enforced beginning May of 2008. They gave a 3 year window to get everybody used to it ~ for all the States to issue Real ID compliant driver's licenses. These licenses would have certain features so that it was considered a secure ID. It could be used for boarding airplanes.

Now, nobody's paused to say, “Wait a minute. Hold on... Most all of the hijackers on 9/11 had legitimate ID. They could have gotten on those planes if they wanted to.”

They didn't stop to say that because they didn't really care about security. They were caring about getting this level of control, moving America into Socialism.

The States awakened to realize what's going to happen here and they began to pass laws against the Real ID because the US Government had hijacked the State Bureau of Motor Vehicles. They had no business doing that. That power is not given to the US Government. So the States began to pass laws against it. Soon 25 of the 50 States of the United States have passed laws or resolutions against Real ID.

Some believe Real ID is now dead in the water. But people are not giving up. In 2007, there were people who tried to pass an Immigration Bill. They said, “We need an enforceable, mandatory ID in order to be able to curb immigration.”

We've curbed immigration for 230 years by enforcing our borders. But people were no longer willing to do that. We didn't want to keep foreign labor out. We needed foreign labor to feed our labor machine. We didn't have enough workers.

So that really wasn't the purpose of the Immigration Bill. The people that were pushing this believed in World Government. They really wanted a global ID so, you don't need borders anymore.

We now have electronic handcuffs that we can put on everybody. Once everybody has that ID, that ID is used for renting motel rooms, purchasing things, even used for where you can work. It's used like ID is used right now. Once that happens, then you start establishing a trail and you can monitor the activity of everybody. It becomes a form of control.

The Bible says, ultimately, it will even control what you believe politically and what you believe spiritually. Let me remind you what happened under Joseph Stalin. The butchering of over 20 million people because they were political dissidents or they had religious beliefs that Stalin could not tolerate. Same way in China under Mao Tse Tung with the cultural revolution. We've had the same thing occur.

If we think it cannot happen here, we're just foolish. We're not studying our history books. If we yield that level of control, some day that control will be used against us. That's the reason this is a fight that we cannot afford to lose.

The Immigration Bill called for a machine-scannable social security card and it established a national database. If you were not in that national database, you were not allowed to hold a job. Employers would have to take your card and scan it. That would be hooked up by computer to the national database under Homeland Security's control, the IRS control and Social Security control. If you were not approved, you could not be hired. It would be illegal to hire you if your name was not in the database and the Employer could be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.

The reason that this is so deadly is because once that database is established, the government can place any stipulation on that database that they want to. And of course, no job, no buying, no selling.

Then they went on to establish a thing called E-Verify. Today, any firm that has government contracts is required to use the E-Verify technology on everyone they hire. That began as of September 8, 2009. They say it's voluntary, but it's not voluntary for anyone that does business with the US Government. That's a lot of people. This is another way the government is attempting to introduce a national ID through the back door.

Once again we've got to ask this question. “Why is the government so determined to implement a national ID?
Control … Control … Control

They want to control whether you plant a tree in your front yard or backyard. They want to control exactly how you build your house. The control factor in this nation and around the world has become absolutely suffocating. That's the reason they are pushing so strong toward this national ID.

Are we really moving toward a global ID?
Are we moving to a cashless society right now?

Answers to these questions and more, follow ...

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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