Thursday, August 1, 2013

Part 3 of 6 – Israel ~ God's Prophetic Timeclock

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

After Barak did everything to bring about a peace agreement, he thought if he was going to get an agreement, even though it was a result of giving away more than what he should have. The Israeli people were so tired of conflict that they would vote him back into office because he was in an election campaign right then between himself and Ariel Sharon. So the word was out that he had finally capitulated and said, “Okay. You can have the Temple Mount back. We'll go all the way back to 1967 border.”

Ariel Sharon, having caught wind of this, decided he was going to pay a visit to the Temple Mount. He cleared it with Yasser Arafat. He cleared it with the different religious authorities, “I just want to go up and visit the Temple Mount.”

They said, “Don't pray. Don't make any outlandish statements there. Just make sure it's done in order.”

On September 28, Mr. Ariel Sharon went up there and he stood on the Temple Mount. He issued a statement that day saying, “The Temple Mount will never be surrendered. It is ours forever.”

Yasser Arafat was looking for an excuse. He knew that Camp David had failed. Since we can't get a peace deal, it's back to confrontation. The very next day, on September 29, he issued the order, “It's time for the Second Intifada.” [The word “intifada” means “uprising”.]

The First Intifada had been from 1987 until 1993. It had died down during the Oslo Peace Accords, but now, here in the year 2000, the Second Intifada comes back wIth a vengeance.

During the Second Intifada, it lasted for quite a long time. There were 1000 Israelis that died, 5500 Palestinians that died. There was bus bombing after bus bombing; suicide bombing after suicide bombing. And don't forget what God said, “ If you don't utterly drive them out, they will become pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides.” All of that's coming to pass right now.

Finally in the year 2002, the United States Secretary of State, Colin Powell, decided that Israel and the Palestinians were never going to be able to forge a peace agreement together. He decided to put a new alliance together called the Quartet.

He invited Russia, the European Union, the United States and the United Nations, the four powers called the Quartet, to put together a peace agreement and say to the Palestinians and the Israelis, “Look, this is the only way to peace. Here it is. It's called the Road Map For Peace.” By December 2002, they had produced this document. It was presented to the Palestinians and the Israelis in April 2003.

Both Israel and the Palestinians were under tremendous pressure from the world community. They had all the powers, the whole world telling them this is what they should do. What was not being represented by Russia, the European Union and the United States was represented by the United Nations, representing all the other nations of the world. They had put this agreement together.

Israel said, “We'll do it with some reservations.”

The Palestinians said, “Well, yeah, we'll do it too. There may be parts of it that will be hard for us to do, but yes, we'll do it.”

The agreement was supposedly made, but it still didn't work.

George W. Bush came to power and he, too, saw himself as a peace maker. He became the first President to endorse a Palestinian State. We're talking about a President of the United States of America saying to Israel, “You must take your Promised Land that Almighty God says belongs to you. I don't agree with that. You're going to have to give part of that to the Palestinean people.”

He was the first one. Not even Bill Clinton dared to endorse a Palestinian State because he was afraid the American people would not stand for it because we are such a Bible-based people. At least we used to be.

So, George Bush endorses the Palestinian State. The last two years of his administration, he decided he's going to try to bring peace to Israel. He finally convened the Annapolis Peace Conference in 2007, however, it was too little too late. He failed.

When President Obama was campaigning for office to succeed President Bush, he said, “I won't wait till the last year of my Presidency, like George Bush and like Bill Clinton, to bring about peace in the Middle East. I will put it in the first year of my Presidency, it's so absolutely important.”

So far, that's what President Obama has done. He immediately upon being elected, appointed former Senator George Mitchell to be his special envoy to the Middle East. The reason he appointed George Mitchell was because he was successful in solving one of the most difficult conflicts in the whole world, the conflict in Northern Ireland. George Mitchell went to Northern Ireland, got an agreement, they're living in peace, today.

President Obama said, “If George Mitchell can do that there, perhaps he can work his magic in the Middle East.” But it still hasn't worked there. The question is: Will there ever be peace?

The answer is: Yes, a temporary peace. It is prophecied. It will place the Temple Mount in a sharing arrangement between Jew and Muslim. It will be under international control, probably under the control of the United Nations. It will allow Israel to build her Third Temple, believe it or not, and this is going to happen pretty quickly now. And it will mark the beginning of the final seven years to the Battle of Armageddon.

Let's review just a moment what has happened to every Israeli leader that has disobeyed God and that has agreed to give away Promised Land. Every single Israeli leader has been removed from office shortly after he has done that. Let's list them real quickly:
  1. Yitzhak Rabin ~ Oslo Accords 1993 ~ Withdrew from Jericho in 1994. Assassinated in November of 1995.
  2. Shimon Peres ~ He succeeded Rabin for a few months. It looked like he was going to be ushered back in by re-election. Instead, in the last minute, he was defeated because he was continuing to give away the Promised Land. Even during his short tenure. Everyone knew he was going to complete the deal. He was one of the main negotiators of the Oslo Agreement.
  3. Benjamin Netanyahu ~ Ran on keeping the land of Israel, but once he got in and got under the pressure from the United States of America, he agreed to the Wye-River Accords, to give away 22% of the west bank. Shortly thereafter he was voted out of office and replaced by Ehud Barak.
  4. Ehud Barak ~ Tried to return totally to 1967 borders and even agreed to give away the Temple Mount, but he was then replaced by Ariel Sharon.
  5. Ariel Sharon ~ Everybody thought he wouldn't give an inch, however he withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and actually forced 9000 Jews to leave their homes in August of 2005. January 4, 2006, he was felled by a horrible stroke and he has yet to recover consciousness.
  6. Ehud Olmert ~ Went on to try to get a Peace Agreement. He said, “I was almost there.” But he was charged with corruption. He resigned from office in 2008. He is on trial right now and will possibly spend many years in prison for the things he has done.

Every single Israeli Leader that's tried to give away the Promised Land, it's resulted in disaster.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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