God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the
End Times …
the Prophecy of Daniel, Chapter 2, it ultimately says that this stone
comes rolling down out of the mountain and smites the image on the
feet. That's a critical insight because it tells us the stone coming
out of the mountain represents the Kingdom of God coming, and He's
going to come and destroy all of the governments of men.
many places in scripture we are taught that mankind will be allowed
to rule himself until the time of the Kingdom of God. Once mankind
has been given time to learn that he doesn't know how to rule
himself, then the Bible says,
will come, put down the thrones of men, and establish His Kingdom, a
Kingdom that will never pass away and never be destroyed.”
what is depicted here by the stone rolling down the mountain. It
smites the image on the feet. The feet were iron mingled with clay.
The iron mingled with clay symbolizes the Holy Roman Empire. This
tells us that the Holy Roman Empire has to be in power at the time of
the Messiah coming to put down the thrones of men and to establish
His Kingdom. This teaches us that Jesus will return to this earth
during the time of the Holy Roman Empire.
lot of people say the Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist in 1806 with
the last Empire decaying, the last element of the Holy Roman Empire.
But it's not true.
and I have watched the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire over the last
50 years. Most people did not even know what they were seeing. We're
going to understand it as we continue on through this lesson.
what it says in Daniel 2:44. It states there, after talking about the
feet and the toes of the image:
in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom
which shall never be destroyed:”
the days of WHAT kings? It's talking about the days of the kings
symbolized by the ten toes. The ten toes are the very last part of
this entire world government structure from the time of 600 BC until
the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to this earth to establish His
Kingdom. It's taught about the ten kings that will be in coalition
and support the Antichrist at the endtime, at the time when Jesus
Christ is to return to the earth.
big question is, am I simply asserting this, or is there Biblical
truth that that in fact is the interpretation of this prophecy? Let's
go to another place in scripture to get absolute proof that this is
Revelation 17:12 there is another prophecy of the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ, only here it depicts the Ten-King alliance that will
support the Antichrist as Ten Horns instead of Ten Toes.
Ten Toes of Daniel 2:44 are the exact same thing as the Ten Horns. It
symbolizes the last Ten-Nation Union that will give its support to
the person who will rule the endtime world government, right before
the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. That person is the Antichrist.
Revelation 17:12-13 says:
the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no
kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the
beast here is the endtime world government and the Antichrist is the
world leader that will rule the endtime world government.
Ten Kings receive power as kings one hour with the Antichrist. Does
this literally mean “sixty seconds” when it says “one hour”?
Of course not. It's a figure of speech. It's saying for a very short
segment of time these ten kings will receive power.
will have one mind and shall give their power and strength to the
beast. We can already see what it means when it says “one mind”.
we hear a lot of people saying that the “World Community” says,
“Iran must do this” or “Someone else must do that”. There has
now been a common mind established. That's the way this is going to
work, only it's going to become more and more pronounced as we get
closer and closer to the Second Coming. These have one mind. They
give their power voluntarily. They give their strength to the endtime
world dictator that we know of as the Antichrist.
goes on to say in Revelation 17:14:
(the Ten Kings) shall make war with the Lamb (Jesus Christ), and the
Lamb shall overcome them for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings,
and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”
Christ is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. So
when Jesus Christ comes to establish His Kingdom, these Ten Kings, in
alliance with the Antichrist, are actually going to fight against
Jesus Christ at the time of His Coming.
you remember what John the Baptist said when Jesus came on the scene
to be baptized? John looked up and saw Him and said,
the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.”
Jesus is the Lamb. When He comes back, they're going to actually
resist Him and the Bible says,
the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of
kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and
Jesus comes back, by then we will have met Him in the air. The people
who are part of the church of Jesus Christ, those who are born again,
will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. We will then go with
Him. He's going to come down to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem for
the Battle of Armageddon. That's where the world empires are going
to resist Jesus Christ, but He will overcome them because He is Lord
of all lords and He is King of all kings and those with Him are going
to be called and chosen and faithful.
is really important if you want to be with Him. Everybody is called.
The Bible says, “Many are called”. But then it says, “Few are
chosen”. Once you are called, then you need to conform your life to
Jesus Christ and learn how to be His true disciple and walk with Him.
After you're called and after you're chosen, then it's critical that
you be faithful.
looked at the prophecy fortelling the rebirth of the Holy Roman
Empire. I've said to you that this actually has already happened. In
the next lesson, you are going to see the details of how this
prophecy has been fulfilled. This is absolutely incredible that you
and I just witnessed this great prophetic fulfillment in recent
actually happened November 3, 2009.
of the five greatest prophetic fulfillments in the last 2000 years.
The amazing thing is most of the world did not even know it happened.
They did not know one of the most important prophecies in the Bible
took place. If you understand the Bible, you did know. You kept track
of it.
happened with the First Coming of Jesus Christ. At His First Coming,
there were 100 specific prophecies and He fulfilled every one of
them, but most people totally missed it. Just like most people missed
the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire that just happened recently. Why
did they miss it? Because they did not know and understand the
summary, What is important for us to remember about this Holy Roman
Empire Prophecy? The feet of iron mingled with clay. It's critical
for us to know there will be two leaders of this Holy Roman Empire.
There's always been a political leader and a spiritual leader. In the
next lesson you're going to find out that there will once again be a
spiritual leader and a political leader, only according to the
prophecy, the political leader will be the Antichrist and the
spiritual leader will be the False Prophet.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am
accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and
support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries
and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to
visit his website at endtime.com.
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