Saturday, August 31, 2013

Part 6 of 11: The Coming One-World Religion

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

We are discussing the Bible prophecy and the coming one-world religion ~ when all religions become one. The prophecy is Revelation 13:8:
“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”

So, all will worship the Antichrist and his one-world religious system except those whose names are in the Lamb's Book of Life.

The Bible teaches us there's a penalty for all of those people that, in fact, do end up conforming to this one-world religious system. Revelation 13:15 says:
“And he (False Prophet) had power to give life unto the image of the beast (Antichrist), that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

And Revelation 13:16-17 tells us another penalty. It says:
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Those who will not conform to or worship the one-world government and the one-world religion will be killed or will be placed under economic boycott.

The prevailing theory today is that there are two root causes of war on earth:
  1. Conflicts between Nations
  2. Conflicts between Religions

The perceived solution is to abolish nations and move into a new era of global governance. And in order to get rid of the religious conflicts, bring some form of religious agreement on earth. With one-world government and one-world religion, we will have banished war from the earth and then we can have peace.

Previously, we studied the prophecies about the coming one-world government. It is going to happen. It's happening now.

We are now going to learn what the prophecies actually say about the coming one-world religion.

To understand how this is all going to unfold, Mikhail Gorbachev wrote a book in 1987 called “Perestroika”. In his book he discussed the dangers of religious exclusiveness. On page 231 he put together an all embracing system of international security. He sent a copy to every head of state at the time.

Item 4ii of this list was the “extirpation (to kill off) of genocide, apartheid and religious exclusiveness”. He was saying we must kill off, we must abolish all genocide, apartheid and religious exclusiveness.

It's interesting that he places religious exclusiveness in the same category as genocide. We know that genocide is the causing of physical harm or mental harm to a minority, whether it's a racial minority, a religious minority, a sexual minority, or whatever it may be. To cause physical harm or mental harm. We are reaching the time in society now when you can perform a hate crime without ever hurting anyone. All you have to do is say the wrong things.

Not only is there genocide mentally, but there is also harm against a person for religious exclusiveness. You are considered religiously exclusive if you believe that your religion is the only way and that people must be saved through a certain religion, or else they are not saved at all. For example, Jesus Christ said,
“If you do not believe I am the Messiah, you will die in your sins.”

Also in the scriptures it tells us,
“Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

These types of beliefs would be considered extreme religious exclusiveness. Because Jesus was religiously exclusive, He said:
“I am the door to the sheephold. Anybody that climbs up any other way, the same is a thief and a robber.”

However, Mikhail Gorbachev said, “We must abolish all religious exclusiveness and you need to embrace my religion as valid. I need to embrace your religion as valid, whether we believe it or not because nobody knows the truth anyway. So, my truth may not be your truth.”

That's the concept that's afloat today among the intelligence of our world. It's filtering down into the general populous.

What's the perceived solution for religious exclusiveness? It's religious inclusiveness, or interfaithism. That means, if it's your religion, I respect it and I don't argue against it. You respect my religion, everybody respects everyone, we validate everyone and thus we remove religious conflict.

This term, interfaithism, is somewhat of a new term among us. Many of our huge political leaders today actually embrace interfaithism. One of those is President George W. Bush. In an interview, he was asked if we all worship the same God, Christian and Muslim. He said, “I think we all do. We have different routes of getting to the Almight.”

He was then asked, “Does Ben Ladden? Does Abu Musab al-Zarqawi pray to the same God that we do?”

To that, he answered, “I think that they pray to a false god, otherwise they wouldn't be killing innocent lives that they have been.”

He was then asked if Christians and Muslims go to heaven. He answered, “Yes, they do. We have different routes of getting there, but I want you to understand, I want your listeners to understand, I don't get to decide who goes to heaven. The Almighty God decides who goes to heaven.”

So, President George W. Bush says Muslims, Jews, Christians all pray to the same God and are all going to heaven. That's what we call religious inclusiveness or interfaithism.

Our present President, Barack Obama, also believes in interfaithism and pushes it at every opportunity. At his inauguration, there were three inaugural services. At the first service he had Muslims and Jews to pray. At the second inaugural service, he had a homosexual Episcopalian, Bishop Gene Robinson, to pray. At the third service, he had Evangelical, Rick Warren, to pray. President Obama was sending a very powerful message. All of these religions are legitimate and that he believes in interfaithism.

Before we really understand interfaithism, we are going to look at the forerunner of interfaithism, ecumenism.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

Friday, August 30, 2013

Part 5 of 11: The Coming One-World Religion

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

In the first year of his rule, Pope John Paul II went to the United Nations to deliver a speech. During his speech, he called for massive wealth redistribution, which simply happens to be the #1 plank in the platform for international Communism. It certainly appeared that the Communist had at least a Pope who could work with them, if not an actual Communist Pope.

On page 560 of Malachi Martin's book, “Vatican”, it's interesting some of the things that he had to say about the new Pope. Martin claimed that in 1979, the new Pope told his close associates, “I plan to make Poland a model. We will show them (the Soviets) how to make socialism work.”

Socialism was not working for Soviet Russia because people got paid whether they worked or not. There was no motive to work, so the economy of the Soviet Block was going down.

Pope John Paul II continued to say, “I plan to deal with the Soviets, not by announcing that we will bury them, but by showing them how to solve the problem that they themselves know will bury them. I plan to give them a model, where religion, morality and sociocultural life are totally detached and independent from political control.”

One of the Pope's aides asked, “And that model is to be Poland?”

The Pope nodded and said, “But more than a model for the Soviets, we will also have produced a model for Europe.”

Think about all this. Remember that Pope John XXIII had made Agostino Casaroli special envoy to the Communists way back in 1961. What does Pope John Paul II do for Mr. Agostino Casaroli? In 1979, he now appoints him to be the Vatican Secretary of State. He puts this man, whose specialty is building an alliance between Communism and Catholicism, in control of the foreign policy of the Roman Catholic Church. Interesting choice.

In 1980, a labor union was formed in Poland called Solidarity. It was led by Mr. Lech Walesa. He was a labor leader and also a very devout Roman Catholic individual. When this Solidarity was formed, interesting things happened.

First of all, the Communists feared it. They wondered what is this Pope up to? They knew the Pope was behind all of this so the Communists banned Solidarity in Poland and they placed Lech Walsa under house arrest for the next two years.

It was about this time that a new, young, vibrant leader was rising inside the Soviet Union. His name was Mikhail Gorbachev. During the early '80s, he was ascending to power, gaining more and more influence.

Finally in 1985, he was elected as President of the Soviet Politboru and he became the leader of the Soviet Union. Between 1985 and 1989 things were changing in the Soviet Union and around the world.

Mikhail Gorbachev was continually talking about allowing liberty and religious freedom. Nobody knew whether to believe him, or not. This was a really different type of Soviet leader than they had ever seen before.

Now we move to 1989. Don't forget Augostino Casaroli is working behind the scenes as Secretary of State to the Soviet Union and is still building bridges to the Communist world.

In 1989, the Solidarity Political Party in Poland was legalized and allowed to run for office. Solidarity, overwhelmingly, won the election in Poland.

Before this happened, when there were efforts of reform in other Communist states under Soviet influence, the Soviet tanks had moved in and crushed it. We're talking about Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968 … the tanks had rolled and crushed the reform movements. Because of this, everyone held their breath when Solidarity won the election and they were moving to take over Poland. Would the tanks roll again? They didn't.

When the Soviets did not invade Poland, very quickly revolution began to sweep through the other Soviet satellite countries. One country after another threw off their Marxist regimes and brought in a more liberal government. It was called the Velvet Revolution.

Several months during 1989 were amazing to observe. Finally, as this Velvet Revolution swept through eastern Europe, Mikhail Gorbachev paid a visit to the center of everything … to the Iron Curtain, the Berlin Wall. He went to East Germany and met with East German Chancellor, Erich Honecker.

His message to Honecker was to get with the revolution, or be swept aside. It's like Gorbachev is for these things.

The Velvet Revolution culminated in the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. Gorbachev applauded when the Wall came down. He was complicit in this entire plan. Interesting.

A mere 20 days after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Mikhail Gorbachev, President George Bush, Sr, and Pope John Paul II had meetings together. They came out of those meetings announcing the birth of the New World Order.

USA Today, on November 30, 1989 ~ 21 days after the fall of the Berlin Wall ~ on their front page had a picture of Pope John Paul II meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev. This was the first time, ever, that a leader of the Communist world had met at the Vatican with the Pope. It was interesting that the USA Today said on their front page article, “The Pope had been an advisor to Solidarity since its inception. Walesa's Priest, Henryk Jankowski was never far from the Solidarity leader's side.”

The Soviets knew this. They knew the Pope's hand was working with Walesa through Henryk Jankowski, his Priest.

It went on in the article to show a picture of the Pope and during the introductions, when Gorbachev was introduced to the Pope, Agostino Casaroli was given the honor of the introductions.

Casaroli, in 1961, was building bridges between Communism and Catholicism, and now he stands proudly introducing Pope John Paul II to Mikhail Gorbachev … Mission Accomplished.

The fall of the Berlin Wall was, in fact, the birth of the New World Order.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Part 4 of 11: The Coming One-World Religion

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

Previously, we learned about the critical role the last 5 Popes have played in establishing the world government presently being built through the process of globalization. Now, we are going to learn about the secret relationship between Mikhail Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II. We will see how they worked together to bring down the Berlin Wall and usher in the New World Order.

Remember, when we say “New World Order”, it's just another name for the world government prophesied in the Bible for the endtime.

In 1917, the Bolshevic Revolution took over the Soviet Union. The Bolshevik Revolution continued in the Soviet Union up until World War II.

In 1942, Communism only ruled one country, the Soviet Union, which means approximately 6% of the world's population. By 1962, Communism ruled 50% of the world's population. It was an amazing revolution sweeping our world.

What happened was at the end of World War II, at Yalta, the Soviet Union was given control over all of eastern Europe. They took control of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and of course East Germany. In addition to that, in 1949 the communist swept through China, taking over the most populist nation on the face of the earth.

From 1942 at 6% to 1962, half of the world's population was now under the iron heel of international Communism. It appeared that Communism was taking over the entire world. Even Henry Kissinger stated that the days of Capitalism were possibly over.

Pope John XXIII, seeing the huge red wave sweeping the world had a decision to make. Does the Church fight against this Communist advance, or is it too powerful? Should we move to make an alliance with Communism?

The Church was really more friendly toward a Socialist type of economy then they were toward free enterprise. They called it social justice and they felt like there were times for legitimate wealth redistribution. Consequently, in 1961, Pope John XXIII appointed Mr. Agostino Casaroli to begin building bridges with the Communist world.

In 1978, Malachi Martin wrote a book called “The Final Conclave”. [Conclave means the eleciton of a Pope.] Malachi Martin was a Jesuit Priest, and he was a Catholic Priest till the day he died. He was the unltimate insider. He actually had taught at Vatican College in Rome for 6 years and was an intimate friend with Pope John XXIII.

On a WBBM radio interview in 1978, he said there was a tremendous struggle taking place inside the Roman Catholic Church. They were believing that the next Pope should be a Communist. Martin believed if the next Pope were a Communist, if Communism captured the Church, that they would gain control over the entire world and would then turn and destroy the Church.

The prophecies of the Bible say that this is what's yet going to happen in the future. The Bible talks about a world government gaining control of the world with an alliance with religion. After they use their alliance with religion to gain control, that the political powers will then turn and destroy the religious element. What Malachi Martin was saying on the radio is exactly what is in the Bible.

Martin went on to say on the radio interview that Pope Paul VI was terminally ill at the time (1978). There was a tremendous jostling for position for choosing the next Pope and gaining control of the powerful entity that we know of as the Roman Catholic Church.

Later on in 1978, Pope Paul VI died. The conclave was called and a new Pope was elected. Pope John Paul I was the name that he took to rule under.

After being elected, Pope John Paul I only ruled for a very short 33 days. He died unexpectedly. What was so amazing was, this Pope was said to be in wonderful health. He was only 65 years old. Never had a day's heart trouble in his life. Yet, they said he died of a heart attack, unexpectedly, during the night.

Then a book appears on the shelves called “In God's Name” by David Yallop. On the heels of that, another book appeared called “Pontiff” by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts. Then Malachi Martin wrote another book called “Vatican”. In all of these books, they claimed that the Pope was assassinated. They gave very, very compelling proof.

In the book “Vatican”, Malachi Martin said he was assassinated and then Martin appeared on “Politics & Religion” radio program. [Note: “Politics & Religion” is a daily radio program featuring Pastor Irvin Baxter of Endtime Ministries. You can hear this wonderful program daily on many radio stations and you can connect to it on his website at] Martin said, “There's no doubt to those of us who are inside the workings of the Roman Catholic Church that the Pope was indeed assassinated.”

Apparently Pope John Paul I was the Pope that Martin favored who he thought would purge the Church of its corruption. But there were apparently forces inside the Church that were determined, they were this close to gaining control of the Church. They were not going to allow Pope John Paul I to mess it up.

If you have any doubts in your mind, on the day Pope John Paul I died, there was a man in charge of Vatican Bank. His name was Paul Marcinicus. He was accused of wide spread corruption so much so that the Italian government had issued an order for his arrest. He avoided arrest by staying inside the walls of the Vatican. You probably know the Vatican is a sovereign state of it's own, so the Italian government was not allowed to come there to execute this warrant for the arrest. Pope John Paul I ordered the removal of Paul Marcinicus from his control of many billions of dollars per year as head of the Vatican bank.

That same day, he ordered the disciplining of the powerful Arch Bishop of Chicago, Cardinal Cody. It had come out two or three years prior to this that Cody had funneled 1.3 million dollars of Church money to a woman in Florida. When this became public, he said she was a distant cousin that needed help. After a little bit of investigative journalism, it was revealed that, in fact, she was a friend of Cardinal Cody's. Knowing this, Pope John Paul I ordered the removal of Marcinicus that day and the disciplining of Cardinal Cody. Neither order was ever carried out. Instead, the Pope died that very night.

Now it's time for another Pope. The Prelates all return to Rome. They go to the Sistine Chapel and when the white smoke comes out of the chimney, the signal that we have a Pope, the announcement was made. Karol Wojtyla of Poland. Everyone said, “Who is that?”

He took the name of Pope John Paul II to rule under. This Pope was the youngest Pope elected in 154 years. He was the first Non-Italian Pope in 455 years. This was a revolutionary choice. Normally the Popes came from Italy since the Church is called the Roman Catholic Church. This is the real important issue … He was the first Pope, ever, from a Communist country; ever. in the history of the Roman Catholic Church.

His #1 claim to fame was that he had presided over the Church in Poland for 45 years under Communism. The Church had not only survived, but it had actually thrived under this arrangement; this alliance between Catholicism and Communism.

While the votes were being counted in conclave to determine who won to be the new Pope, to pass the time, Mr. Wojtyla read the “World Marxist Revue”, the official publication of international Communism.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Part 3 of 11: The Coming One-World Religion

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

Pope Benedict the XVI came next. He published an encyclical in 2009. It was called “Caritas in Veritate”, which means “Charity in Truth”. It says:
“In the face of the unrelenting growth of global interdependence, there is a strongly felt need even in the midst of a global recession, for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.”

The concept of the world community or the international community or the family of nations so that that concept can acquire real teeth.

Notice the term “real teeth”. What are teeth for? Teeth are for biting. Teeth are for enforcement. Pope Benedict XVI is saying we have to reform the United Nations and give it real teeth in order to enforce its will upon the world.

In the encyclical, Pope Benedict went on to say:
“To manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the great imbalances that would result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration; for all this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority.”

That's a lot of material. Let's take a closer look at it:
  1. Manage the global economy ~ He thinks there has to be a world government for.
  2. Disarmament ~ One of the bigest messages of the United Nations. They want to disarm the world so that there are no arms to kill anybody and you can't have war anymore.
    Now, they do want the United Nations to still have an army. Nobody seems to ask what would happen if all of the arms were gone and the United Nations only had the arms? Think about it. What if Adolph Hitler had gained control of the world governmental system and the only army left? We've now destroyed the checks and balances that could overthrow such a scenario.
    They say that won't happen, however, the Bible says that's exactly what is going to happen.
  3. Food Security ~ that sounds like the Mark of the Beast where everyone has a number without which they cannot buy or sell
  4. Protection of the Environment ~ big environmental conferences going on saying we have to have a global treaty that will be binding that will enforce the world against global warming.
  5. Regulation of Migration ~ another huge problem we've got.
    He's saying here that this world government authority, the United Nations, is the answer. There is urgent need for a true world political authority.

A true world political authority means a one-world government.

Pierre Boillon, the Bishop of Verdun, France, probably summed it up the best and the most candid. This comes from the book “The Council And The Future” by Mario Van Galli. On October 8, 1965, Bishop Boilion said:
“Therefore we must emphasize the great moral responsibility to empower an international authority to prevent war. The entire world must become aware that if this institution [the United Nations] is to become effective, every nation must renounce its ultimate sovereignity to this universal authority. This is an obligation: If nations, if rulers of nations, if public opinion will not accept this renunciation, then they really are voting for war, however beautiful may be their speeches on peace.”

We've gone over all of these quotes, Pope after Pope. They are all singing the same song ~ one-world government. We must have a world government, and we must have it right now.

Where is this going to lead? The Bible says that world government is coming, but the Bible also says there will be a world religion cooperating with this world government. We can see the largest religion on earth, Christianity, being represented here by the Pope. He's considered the head of Christianity and he is avidly advocating one-world government.

Next, we are going to learn about the special relationship between Pope John Paul II and Mikahail Gorbachev, and how they secretly, together, worked behind the scenes to bring about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.

This won't be wild speculations. This will be documentation and quotes how these two planned 10 years in advance, the fall of the Berlin Wall. You are going to see how it all culminated together on November 9, 1989.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Part 2 of 11: The Coming One-World Religion

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

Mikhail Gorbachev in his book, “Perestroika”, on page 231, was outlining what needs to happen to produce global security. He actually sent a copy of this to all of the Heads of State at the time. He said:
“We must extirpate all genocide, apartheid and religious exclusiveness.”

Let's look at this statement a minute. “Extirpate” means to “kill off”. We must kill off all genocide. That means causing mental harm.

Religious exclusiveness means you say your religion is right and all other religions are wrong. For example, Jesus said if you don't believe He is the Messiah, you will die in your sins. John 8:24 says:
“I said therefore unto you, and you shall die in your sins; for ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”

Jesus would be considered religiously exclusive. The Bible also tells us about Jesus that neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven whereby we must be saved.

That's the reason we're seeing war being waged right now around the world on using the name of Jesus. They don't mind if you pray in the name of God. They're not going to stamp out all religion. But they don't want you to use the name of Jesus. Our military has now forbade our Chaplains from praying in the name of Jesus. If you are called into a public setting to pray, they expect you to avoid the name of Jesus. They all know that Christianity is an exclusive religion. If you are a Christian and you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, then you would be guilty of religious exclusiveness.

Gorbachev said, “We've got to stamp that out.”

He's putting that in the same category as genocide. Is there a chance that someday you or I could be put on trial for religious exclusiveness? Gorbachev says, “It's got to be extirpated.” So the answer is yes, you could be charged under the Genocide Pact for creating mental harm for a person.

What about outlawing religious exclusiveness. Is it really happening?

On June 28, 2000 in France ~ There was a Washington Times article that told about this: There was a French proposal targeting proselytizing. They were proposing up to 2 years in prison for exercising excessive pressure in an attempt to proselytize an individual.

What is “excesive pressure”? If you invite a person to your church once, is that allowable? What if you invite them twice or three times? Those envolved in it say that if you invite them once, that is alright, but if you ask them two or three times, that is excessive pressure. They are talking about a law in France of up to two years in prison for this nebulous crime of using excessive pressure in an attempt to convert them to your religion. More and more nations around the world are passing anti-proselytizing laws. Most Muslim nations have had anti-proselytizing laws for a long time.

So, the question is, Is religious exclusiveness a hate crime? We need to know that.

Let's get back to our quotes about one-world government from our Popes. We've already looked at Pope Pius XII. Next is Pope John XXIII.

Pope John XXIII became known as the beloved Pope. Everyone seemed to like him. He published an encyclical that came out in Look Magazine July 2, 1963. [An encyclical is a position paper presenting important subjects in the mind of the Pope to the world.] The encyclical was “Pacem en Terris”, which stands for “Peace in the Land” or “Peace on Earth”.

Along with its plea to the United Nations to become “more equal to the magnitude and nobility of it's task,” the Pope's encyclal made a case for “the establishment of world government with all the cogency of his theologians best proofs that God exists.”

In Vatican language, “Pacem en Terris” or “Peace in the Land” calls “world government a public authority: but defines it as having worldwide power and endowed with the proper means for the efficacious pursuit of the universal common good.” The Pope held that such a government must be founded because all nations are now interdependent.

A clarion call from Pope John XXIII way back in 1958 – 1963 for a one-world governmental System.

We are taking time here to prove that all Popes in modern time have been believers and promoters of the establishment of one-world government.
Whether you think this is a good thing or a bad thing, I just want you to understand where this powerful organization, the Roman Catholic Church, stands. Before we are finished we will show from scripture that there will be a union between politics and religion in the formation of this prophesied world governmental system. You are going to see that it's much further advanced than many of us think.

Our next Pope is Pope Paul VI. His encyclical was called “Populorium Progresso”. It was published March 26, 1967. He said, “Who can fail to see the need and importance of this gradually coming to the establishment of a world authority capable of taking effective action on the juridical and political planes? Delegates to international organizations, public officials, gentlemen of the press teachers and educators ~ all of you must realize that you have your part to play in the construction of a New World Order.”

Next was Pope John Paul I. He only lived 33 days in office and then was assassinated.

Now we come to Pope John Paul II. He was one of the most popular Popes in modern times. He called for a New World Order just like all the rest. Our quote comes from the Vatican City press January 2, 2004: “Pope John Paul II rang in the New Year on Thursday with a renewed call for peace in the Middle East and Africa and the creation of a new world order based on respect for the dignity of man and equality among nations. This year, Pope John Paul II directed his thoughts to continuing conflicts around the globe. But he stressed that to bring about peace, there needs to be a new respect for international law and the creation of a new international order based on the goals of the United Nations.”

Notice it always goes back to the United Nations because the Popes have been huge promoters of the United Nations even before it was formed.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

Monday, August 26, 2013

Part 1 of 11: The Coming One-World Religion

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

The Bible prophesies there is coming a one-world religion. The scriptures actually say that in the endtime there will be a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a One-World Economic System.

In his book, “Perestroika”, Mikhail Gorbachev said that there are three root causes for war:
  1. Political Conflicts
  2. Religious Conflicts
  3. Econimic Conflicts

His offered solution was:
  1. One-World Government
  2. Global Religious system
  3. Global Economy

He is proposing exactly what the Bible prophesies is going to happen. Let's take a look at the one-world religion.

In previous lessons we've talked about the one-world government. We've talked about the One-World Economic System called the Mark of the Beast. We are now going to look at the coming one-world religion.

You will remember that the Book of Revelation is divided into 3 sections:
  1. Verses 1-8 = The One-World Government
  2. Verses 11-14 = The One-World Religious System ~ The False Prophetlobal Religious system
  3. Verses 16-18 = The One-World Economic System ~ The Mark of the Beast

Our prophecy is found in Revelation 13:15 where it says:
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast [the Antichrist], that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

You can see in the endtime New World Order there is going to be an element of worship. We don't know exactly what form it will take. It may simply be interfaithism ~ Your religion is as valid as my religion ~ I respect yours, you respect mine. The end goal is to remove religious conflict so, supposedly, we can have peace on earth, good will toward men.

Part of what we are going to talk about will contain the most amazing story NEVER told ~ How Mikhail Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II secretly planned the fall of the Berlin Wall and the birth of the New World Order. This is going to absolutely amaze you.

Before we get into the meat of that, we need to find out where this powerful organization, the Roman Catholic Church, actually stands. There are many quotes from the last several Popes that will give us a good insight as to the role Roman Catholicism is playing in the establishment of the prophesied one-world government. It is really interesting when we take a look at what the Popes actually say because the Roman Catholic Church represents one billion people. Many people believe they even speak for the 1.1 billion Protestants. If you put Protestants and Catholics together, you have 1/3 of the world's population. What the Roman Catholic Church promotes and what they stand for is very, very important. Let's take quotes from the last five Popes to see what they said in their own words about World Government:

Pope Pius XII was the Pope of the Church during World War II and was also the Pope at the time of the formation of the United Nations. This quote comes from the publication “Vital Speeches of the Day” on December 15, 1959. The article was “Legacy to World Federalism”. [World Government is another word for World Federalism.]
“Pius urged work for peace on three levels:
  1. The reaffirmation of the necessity of a Supra-national world order. [That means a World Order going across national boundaries.]
  2. Accepting the United nations, but with ceaseless efforts, strengthen it.
  3. Promote the fullest cooperation with every agency that promotes international friendship.

Continuing in the article “Legacy to World Federalism,” Pius was an unabbashed internationalist. When you here that a public figure or spiritual leader is an internationalist, that means he's a believer in one-world government. Pius desired and sought and prayed for a future world political organization true to the spirit of federalism. This is a direct quote from Pius XII:
“...Catholics … above all … must realize that they are called to overcome every vestige of nationalistic narrowness.”

Notice the phrasology, “nationalistic narrowness”. The implication here is that you're a narrow-minded, bigoted person. So if you still believe in nationalism as opposed to world government, Pius was calling on all of us to overcome every vestige of nationalistic narrowness. He goes on to say:
“Catholics have the obligation of insisting on this ratification of the genocide pact.”

What is the “genocide pact”? You should know that the United States of America has now signed on to the Genocide Treaty. The Genocide Treaty came to us from the United Nations and was resisted for many years by the US Government. Novermber 11, 1988, President Reagan signed onto the Genocide Treaty, and then the Senate ratified it on December 9, 1988.

Why would Pope Pius insist on the obligation on the part of Catholics to support the Genocide Treaty? Most of us think it is when you try to eliminate a religion, a race, a particular sexual orientation... But stop a minute ...

If you go to the Britannica Encyclopedia and look up Genocide, it gives an interesting definition. This same definition is in the actual Genocide Treaty. The definition is:
“Genocide: to cause physical harm or mental harm to a minority.”

It would be a crime to cause mental harm to a minority. How would you do that? Maybe by speaking or writing against it? Here's an example we are all dealing with right now: The Gay Agenda.

In 2009, the United States Government passed the Hate Crime Bill. That set aside homosexuals as a protected group of people. If you speak against homosexuality, you could be charged with genocide because of causing them mental harm. In Canada, you can be put into prison for up to 5 years for speaking against homosexuality. About a year or two ago there was a minister who was arrested and put into prison because he preached a sermon from his pulpit from the Bible against homosexuality.

Realizing this was a potential problem when the Hate Crime Bill passed in the US, they specifically exempted people who objected homosexuality for religious reasons. But they didn't give that exemption to the average person.

When we talk about genocide, we are talking about controlling what you say, what you believe, what you think. Where does “Freedom of Speech” come in all of this? You've got to let go of a little bit of freedom of speech because genocide is a bad thing.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Part 6 of 6 – 666: Mark Of The Beast

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

Here is the next big question. Are we really moving toward a global ID?

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which is an arm of the UN, has been assigned to oversee international travel. By April 2010, 170 nations who are members of the ICAO had begun issuing passports in total conformity to the requirements of this International Civil Aviation Organization. That means the passport is a global ID and you cannot travel without it.

This global ID system is being foisted upon us through the United Nations and the cooperation of all the countries of the world. These requirements include an RFID chip that can be picked up with a radio receiver as you walk past. They must have a digital photo because, now, the ICAO has determined that facial recognition is the technology that will be used for biometric identification. That means if you are in an airport, they can get a picture of your face on the cameras. They will know where you are at all times. If you've done nothing wrong, what's the problem?

Ask Adolph Hitler. Ask the Jews that lived under his brutal regime. All we need is for the wrong person to grab power and what was designed for good is going to be so terrible ~ so horrible. That's the reason we're going the wrong direction.

Are we moving into a cashless society right now? Certainly we are.

Bangkok, Thailand has taken a major step toward creating a cashless society. That's when the numbering system's going to really work like the Bible says it will. Sydney, Australia, July 27, 2010, over the P.R. News Wire:
“Bangkok Smart Card System has secured a major component in developing their visit to direct Bangkok towards a cashless society. Announcing a design and delivery of a Smart Card clearing house solution for micro payments.”

In Nigeria they are set up to become a cashless society according to E-Money News August 8, 2010:
“Nigeria is set to take a huge stride towards becoming a cashless society following the release of a new mobile banking service. The Money Box platform allows users to make bank transactions over a mobile phone in conjunction with a scratch card. It can be used with any mobile phone, anywhere, any time and on any mobile network with any bank and by any individual.”

“The Irish are now moving toward cashless banking.” That was reported on December 22, 2009.

Greece has now outlawed all cash transactions over 1500 Euros as of January 1, 2011. Every transaction above 1500 Euros between a person and a business or between businesses will be considered illegal if it's done by cash. Transactions will have to be done through debit or credit cards.

How about a chip under the skin?

Applied Digital Solutions has produced an injectable computer chip about the size of a grain of rice. It's known as the Verichip. This technology has been used for animals for several years.

In 2004 the US Food and Drug Administration approved the injection of this chip under the skin for the maintenance of medical records. If you have a wreck, you're unconscious, the medics can just scan the chip and they will know what meds you are on and what you are allergic to.

A lot of people believe that that's the real answer for total identification from cradle to grave.

This could be used for financial transactions, as well. It's actually being used at the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain. You can check in and be injected with the computer chip. Since you are going to be in your swim suit all week, no worry about billfolds or purses. They are using it for financial transactions right now.

Let's remember the scripture. It says that every person is going to have to have a number and Revelation 13:18 says the total of this number will be 666. In this particular passage, the original Greek was Chi Xi Stigma. According to Strong's Greek Dictionary, this is the original Greek for 666.

Here's something really scary. Thayer's Greek Dictionary gives a most interesting definition of the word Stigma. It comes from a primary word, “Stizy”, which means to stick, or prick with a mark incised or punched for recognition of ownership. When you get this computer chip under your skin, they use a needle and stick you and they put the mark in.

I do not know whether that's the way the Mark of the Beast is going to be implemented or not. All I know is the technology is in place. It is happening right now.

It's very important that all of us understand the Mark of the Beast is not a possibility. It is an absolute certainty. With all this information, we now know that it's much closer than we think.

The critical thing is for you and me to be ready. The Bible says that, “...all will worship the beast and take his mark, except those whose names are in the Lamb's Book of Life.” Whatever you do, make sure YOUR name is in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

Friday, August 23, 2013

Part 5 of 6 – 666: Mark Of The Beast

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

Satan is planning this trap. He intends to be able to control everyone, force them to adopt his way of life and to, ultimately, worship him.

That's where this whole thing is leading. That's what the Bible says in Revelation 13, where this prophecy is given. The Bible says that all people will be forced to worship the Antichrist, Satan's personal agent. In so doing, they will be committing idolatry against God, Himself.

When the terrorist attack took place on 9/11, the whole nation was in an uproar. Congress decided to appoint a Commission called the 9/11 Commission and said, “We want you to calculate how to make America safe.”

Such prestigious people as Henry Kissinger and others were on the Commission. Congress straightly charged them, “But do not come back with the mandate to establish a national ID. We're not going to do that.”

What did the 9/11 Commission do? They came back and said, “Well, what we need is a means of secure identification for all of our citizens.”

They didn't say, “We need a national ID”, but that's exactly what they meant. They came back and did exactly what Congress told them not to do.

The result was ~ the Real ID Act was passed, first of all in the House of Representatives without much fanfare. Most people didn't even know it was being considered. It was already passed. When this hit the news, immediately opposition arose.

The Real ID Act called for bringing your original birth certificate to the license branch, your original social security card, and proof of your address. You then had to submit to a digital photo when the driver's license was issued because the international community was planning on the facial recognition technology to ultimately establish a global ID. That was one of the the things they built into this Real ID Act.

All of this information was to be placed in a database for sharing with all of the other states. If you received your liense in Texas or Indiana, they would put all of your information in that database, but that database had to be linked to all the other databases of the other 49 states. You couldn't have two or three licenses in different states.

In so doing, you created a national ID. If you had the database that states could access, Federal Government also could access it. That means that they could control you with that ID. For example, if you were forbidden to have a license in Indiana, you couldn't get one in Texas or California. Since you didn't have your ID, that means you're not going to be able to fly in an airplane, enter a Federal building, drive a car, open a bank account, or even hold a job.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Once they establish a system where you can no longer hold a job, that means you can no longer buy or sell. If you don't have a job, you don't have any money and that means you cannot buy or sell.

The prophecy in Revelation 13 says that this system is going to be implemented where every person will have to have a mark or a number, and without it, you cannot buy or sell. We are veering treacherously close to the precipice now that was prophesied about 2000 years ago, but could only be fulfilled right now.

The people that want the Real ID deny that it is a national ID even though it is an “ID” and that it's going to be “national”. They don't care about being honest, they just want to take this next step where big government could become bigger because they think they know what's best for your life and mine. They've forgotten what freedom is really all about. They don't believe in freedom, anymore. They believe that man is inherently evil and that you are guilty until you're proven innocent. So we have to keep track of everybody, everywhere, all the time.

Americans don't believe that. We believe people are innocent until proven guilty and the government has no right to check your papers, to come in your house, to search your automobile or anything else. They don't have the right to say, “Papers, please”.

That's the American tradition, but if we don't fight with all of our might for this tradition we're going to lose it, even here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

They couldn't get the Real ID Act passed in the Senate, so it's time for some political trickery. They decide that they will attach it to the back of an appropriation bill for our troops in Iraq. It was one of those “must-pass” bills. It goes through with flying colors. They pass the Real ID Act on the back of a bill that had nothing to do with the Real ID Act. President Bush signed it on May 11, 2005.

This bill said it should be enforced beginning May of 2008. They gave a 3 year window to get everybody used to it ~ for all the States to issue Real ID compliant driver's licenses. These licenses would have certain features so that it was considered a secure ID. It could be used for boarding airplanes.

Now, nobody's paused to say, “Wait a minute. Hold on... Most all of the hijackers on 9/11 had legitimate ID. They could have gotten on those planes if they wanted to.”

They didn't stop to say that because they didn't really care about security. They were caring about getting this level of control, moving America into Socialism.

The States awakened to realize what's going to happen here and they began to pass laws against the Real ID because the US Government had hijacked the State Bureau of Motor Vehicles. They had no business doing that. That power is not given to the US Government. So the States began to pass laws against it. Soon 25 of the 50 States of the United States have passed laws or resolutions against Real ID.

Some believe Real ID is now dead in the water. But people are not giving up. In 2007, there were people who tried to pass an Immigration Bill. They said, “We need an enforceable, mandatory ID in order to be able to curb immigration.”

We've curbed immigration for 230 years by enforcing our borders. But people were no longer willing to do that. We didn't want to keep foreign labor out. We needed foreign labor to feed our labor machine. We didn't have enough workers.

So that really wasn't the purpose of the Immigration Bill. The people that were pushing this believed in World Government. They really wanted a global ID so, you don't need borders anymore.

We now have electronic handcuffs that we can put on everybody. Once everybody has that ID, that ID is used for renting motel rooms, purchasing things, even used for where you can work. It's used like ID is used right now. Once that happens, then you start establishing a trail and you can monitor the activity of everybody. It becomes a form of control.

The Bible says, ultimately, it will even control what you believe politically and what you believe spiritually. Let me remind you what happened under Joseph Stalin. The butchering of over 20 million people because they were political dissidents or they had religious beliefs that Stalin could not tolerate. Same way in China under Mao Tse Tung with the cultural revolution. We've had the same thing occur.

If we think it cannot happen here, we're just foolish. We're not studying our history books. If we yield that level of control, some day that control will be used against us. That's the reason this is a fight that we cannot afford to lose.

The Immigration Bill called for a machine-scannable social security card and it established a national database. If you were not in that national database, you were not allowed to hold a job. Employers would have to take your card and scan it. That would be hooked up by computer to the national database under Homeland Security's control, the IRS control and Social Security control. If you were not approved, you could not be hired. It would be illegal to hire you if your name was not in the database and the Employer could be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.

The reason that this is so deadly is because once that database is established, the government can place any stipulation on that database that they want to. And of course, no job, no buying, no selling.

Then they went on to establish a thing called E-Verify. Today, any firm that has government contracts is required to use the E-Verify technology on everyone they hire. That began as of September 8, 2009. They say it's voluntary, but it's not voluntary for anyone that does business with the US Government. That's a lot of people. This is another way the government is attempting to introduce a national ID through the back door.

Once again we've got to ask this question. “Why is the government so determined to implement a national ID?
Control … Control … Control

They want to control whether you plant a tree in your front yard or backyard. They want to control exactly how you build your house. The control factor in this nation and around the world has become absolutely suffocating. That's the reason they are pushing so strong toward this national ID.

Are we really moving toward a global ID?
Are we moving to a cashless society right now?

Answers to these questions and more, follow ...

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at