Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Part 9 of 11: The Coming One-World Religion

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

We have learned about interfaithism and the establishment of the United Religions Organization. We are going to continue looking at interfaithism because what happened after the United Religions was formed, in August 2000, there was a meeting held at the United Nations called the Millennium World Peace Summit.

This was the first ever religious meeting held at the United Nations. It was held one week before the Millennium Summit for the world's political leaders.

The concept behind the meeting was that we need to bring about cooperation between the religious leaders of the world and the political leaders of the world. This meeting was sponsored by Mr. Ted Turner, who had gifted one billion dollars to the United Nations. Because he put up the money, Ted Turner was the keynote speaker for the meeting.

There were about a thousand religious leaders from all over the world in attendance. The goal of the world peace summit was to convene and to coordinate religious and spiritual leadership as an interfaith ally to the United Nations in its quest for peace, global understanding and international cooperation.

The outcome of the World Peace Summit in 2000 was that the religious leaders
  1. Signed a declaration for world peace
  2. (Probably more importantly) Established an international advisory council of religious leaders.

This international advisory council of religious leaders would act as a liaison between the religious leaders of the world and the political leaders of the world. The purpose was to engage the religious leaders in promoting the plans of the world community, or the one-world government, instead of working against them.

The reason this is so important is because the political leaders realize the religious leaders could sabotage their efforts. The religious leaders, after all, are in pulpits looking eye-to-eye with their people every week. Plus, they are dedicating their babies, marrying their young people, burying their dead, in their homes … their influence is so vast. So, they established this liaison council to consult, continually, with the political leaders of the world, to bring about this union between politics and religion, between the political powers of the world and the religious leaders of the world. Mission accomplished.

One week later, the political leaders converged upon the United Nations for the UN Millennium Summit. Attendance was very high. They did several things at this meeting, but the main thing they did was to adopt what was called the Millennium Development Goals. There are eight MDGs, such as sustainable development, global partnership, and other things. You can read about all of those if you go to the UN webpage.

But the real agenda for the New World Order was to set the Millennium Development Goals and then all the nations of the world would work together in concert to reach these goals. What happened is they actually adopted a program, an agenda, for the one-world governmental system.

Built into the Millennium Development Goals was a plan for massive wealth redistribution. As you know, this is the central plank in the international platform for international Socialism or Communism. Now we have set the goal for an international Socialist agenda, all to be administered by the United Nations and to be cooperated with by the religions of the world.

The interfaith efforts contined on and in 2002, Pope John Paul II once again led an interfaith service at Assisi, Italy. The concept of interfaithism is being sewn. It is being promoted.

Tony Blair, a very influential leader in our world that all of us are very familiar with, was the Prime Minister of Great Britain for many years. In 2007 he announced he would be leaving the Prime Minister's office. It was also rumored that he would convert to Catholicism. He didn't do this while he was in office because the Prime Minister of Great Britain is the head of the Episcopalian, or the Anglican, Church. Within a few months from leaving office, he did convert to Catholicism, but that wasn't all of the story.

In 2008, he founded a new organization called the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. He said, “Because of globalization moving us all closer together, we need a foundation that will re-educate the world so that religions can learn how to get along together in this ever closer society.”

He actually launched a currculum at Yale University called Faith and Globalization and he became a guest lecturer there. The course has since spread to other prestigious colleges as well.

Beyond that, in 2010, realizing that he needed to reach more than a few prestigious colleges, he launched a new curriculum called Face to Faith. It was a project to reach the high schoolers of our world. He entered into a partnership with Bill Clinton and his Clinton Global Initiative.

They decided to take this new curriculum and promote it to schools world wide. The plan is that every student will have a computer on their desk. It will be linked to a person of another religion around the world ~ A Christian will be linked to a Muslim or a Muslim to a Buddhist, or a Buddhist to a Jew. These young people will then discuss with one another, get to know each other, and especially emphasize their common points of agreement so that possibly we can draw closer together.

Remember the global ethic that Mr. Hans Kung penned? There is so much we agree on that we must sink the narrow differences that keep us apart so that we can, in fact, form a global community. The dream is one-world government and one-world religion. Here you see the culmination of the interfaith movement.

On May 6, 2001, Pope John Paul II, at a mosque in Damascus, Syria, is seen kissing the Koran. It's almost hard to believe.

in 2011, Pope Benedict XVI announced he was going to return to Assisi, Italy and invite all of the religions there once again for a common prayer time.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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