Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Part 1 of 4: The 7 Trumpets

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

We are going to study the 7 Trumpets of the Book of Revelation. There are 3 groups of Seven that make up the skeletal structure of the Book of Revelation:

  1. Seven Seals: The Long Story ending at Armageddon.
  2. Seven Trumpets: The Shorter Story ending at Armageddon.
  3. Seven Vials: The Shortest Story ending at Armageddon.

The Seven Vials do not take place until after the Mark of the Beast is administered. We know this because when the first Vial is unleashed, the Bible tells us clearly that it will be unleashed upon the people that have taken the Mark of the Beast. From that, we know that the Vials will be enacted at the time of the very end.

In addition to the skeletal structure, the Book of Revelation also has what we call parenthetical chapters. This is kind of like “color commentary”. While we are telling the main overview, every once in a while there is a chapter thrown in that will tell you seperate information from the main structure.

For example, Revelation 12 tells you of a war in Heaven when Satan is cast down and confined to the earth for the final 3 ½ years. Revelation 13 gives us a view of the One-World Government and the Antichrist that heads that One-World Government; the One-World Religion and the False Prophet who is the leader of that One-World Religion; and also the Mark of the Beast, the economic system of the end time governmental system.

Now we understand the Book of Revelation consists of the skeletal structure of the 3 Sevens and we understand that other chapters are thrown in to give us a fuller understanding of what this is really all about.

We are focusing on the Seven Trumpets. It begins in Revelation 8:6, which says:
“And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.”

Even though the Seven Trumpets are sounding in their numbered order, we're not going to go through each Trumpet in order, #1 through #7. Trumpet #3 is the easiest to understand, so we will start with it. The Third Trumpet is found in Revelation 8:10-11:
“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the river and upon the fountains of waters;
And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.”

Don't forget “Wormwood” and don't forget that “many men died because of the waters”.

You will find that the Russian word for “Wormwood” is “Chernobyl”. The Russians used wormwood for medicinal purposes. It would turn the tongue black and the Russian word for black is chernyy. Consequently, they began to call wormwood, chernobyl.

Also, you will see that S. Ozhegov, Dictionary of the Russian Language shows the definition for Chernobylnik as a variety of absinthe (wormwood) with a red-brown or deep purple stem. [Note: the word “wormwood” is actually in perenthisis within the dictionary definition.]

The actual power plant of Chernobyl is located in the Ukraine when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. The explosion took place on April, 26, 1986 at 1:26 am. A Russian scientist was in charge of the power plant at the time and he decided to conduct some experiments. In order to do this particular experiment, he had to disable some of the safety features. Then he gave the command to raise the rods which allowed the nuclear process
to begin. He was watching his meters but didn't catch it in time. Within about 30 seconds or so, the reactor began to overheat and suddenly there was an explosion. The first explosion knocked the about 2 million pound concrete lid off of the power plant. When it came back down, it came down cock-eyed. Then the second explosion drove a nuclear cloud one mile into the air. Leaving the lid cock-eyed, it left the atmosphere open to a full nuclear fire. At that time this caused the worst nuclear disaster in the history of the world. Before it was all over with, there would be 10 times as much nuclear radiation released at Chernobyl as was released at the bombing of Hiroshima in World War II.

The workers didn't know what was happening. They ran downstairs and two of the workers opened the doors to find themselves staring full faced into a nuclear fire. It was so incredibly hot that it thrust them back and they fell to the floor where they knew the coolest air would be. They laid there until the heat somewhat disapated and they were able to make their way down to the nurse's station. It was about a block that they had to walk. By the time they arrived, their skin was hanging off of their arms in ribbons. Both of them died within a very short amount of time.

Immediately, because the level of this emergency, fire trucks came from everywhere. They fought this full nuclear fire. Many of them died within 30 days or so. The ones who did survive suffered all kinds of ramifications of their exposure to this high level of radiation.

As time went along, all the equipment was brought in. The fire trucks were so contaminated with radiation that bulldozers were brought in to bury the firetrucks. In the process, the bulldozers absorbed so much radiation that they had to bring in more bulldozers to bury the bulldozers.

They also brought in helicopters to dump water on the power plant in an effort to put out the fire. They too, became of radioactive radiation, had to be buried.

Chernobyl and Pripyat, the town where most of the workers lived, both became Ghost Towns due to all of the radiation. These two towns are declared off limits.

Since that time, a video was put out by the humanities. At the beginning of this video, right on the very front, it says “Chernobyl The Bitter Taste of Wormwood”. This video was not put out by a religious organization or a prophecy ministry, yet here they associated Chernobyl with Wormwood.

The prophecy said that a star named wormwood was cast into the earth. Not only that, but the main message of this video was that the waters made the Chernobyl nuclear accident so deadly.

When the nuclear cloud was driven one mile into the air, the winds caught the cloud and they carried it into Sweden, Italy, Germany and into Great Britain. During this time, it rained incessantly for about 4 or 5 days. The result was it brought all of the nuclide cesium 137 down to the earth and everywhere its rains hit, it created brown outs. This has caused many places in Europe to not be able to grow anything for 100 years.

Furthermore, the rivers filled up with this nuclide cesium 137 and anyone that drank this water ingested this nuclide. When this is ingested, it goes to your bone marrow. Cesium 137 has a half-life of 30 years. Many of the children ingested this. It also attacks your thyroid gland and raised the cancer rate in that area.

The rains came down and filled the waters of Europe. It was radioactive and everything it touched became radioactive.

Chernobyl nuclear accident results to date are that scientists have estimated that about 125,000 have died and around 2 million people are infected.

The Third Trumpet sounded on April 26, 1986. That brings to question:
When did the First Trumpet sound?
When did the Second Trumpet sound?

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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