Monday, May 13, 2013

Part 5 – Holy Roman Empire Reborn

Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

In review, we studied the prophecy of Daniel 2 about the Holy Roman Empire and we proved that Jesus Christ will return to earth during the reign of the Holy Roman Empire and that the Antichrist and the False Prophet will come from this reborn Holy Roman Empire.

We contended that this has already now happened. That the Holy Roman Empire is now reborn. Now we want to explain. Here's what happened concerning the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire.

After World War II, the empires of Europe lay in ashes because of the plunder of Nazi Germany and of World War II. Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, all of the big powers of Europe were reduced to rubble. These were the old traditional powers that ran the world. They didn't want to be left outside of the power equation of the world to come.

There were two emerging nuclear super powers ~ The Soviet Union and the United States of America. Winston Churchill foresaw that there had to be a radical realignment or else Europe would become irrelevant. He actually proposed in a speech shortly after World War II was over that there would be established a United States of Europe. He said in this day of the nuclear superpower, it takes 200 million population in order to have the population base and the economic resources to play ball in the day of the nuclear superpower. He said, “We either forget our differences and unify as one in Europe creating a United States of Europe, or else all of the power will move to the Soviet Union and the United States of America.

The old, proud states of Europe were used to playing a central role in world affairs and they did not want to be shunted to the side of history.

Consequently, they made a decision. In 1957 there was a treaty signed called the Treaty of Rome. The created, with the signing of the treaty of Rome, what's called the Common Market.

The first goal was economic unoin, but that was not the ultimate goal. The leaders knew that economic union had to come first, but political union was sure to follow. Once you join entities together economically, they have to pass laws to control and regulate their interaction. Ultimately, you would build a body of laws that would become a political union as well as an economic union.

This was all set in motion by six nations. They signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Many others of the nations of Europe doubted that it would work, so they sat on the sidelines. However, it worked better than most people thought it could.

Quickly, other people lined up to join this Common Market. They started with six (Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands). There became nine (adding Great Britain, Denmark and Ireland), then ten (adding Greece) , then there was twelve (adding Spain and Portugal) , then there was fifteen (adding Austria, Sweden and Finland).

By 1992, all of the economic barriers were down, so you could raise crops in Germany and sell them in France, just like you could raise crops in Indiana and sell them in Illinois. All tariffs, all economic barriers were gone by 1992. Some people said “Success”, but the real leaders said, “No, that's only phase one.”

Immediately, they called another meeting at Maastricht, Holland and they formed a new treaty called the Maastricht Treaty. The goal of this treaty was to go from economic union to political union.

By 1999, they had their common money, the Euro.

By 2004, the European Union expaned to 25 member states. We're talking about 25 nations that have now merged their economies plus many of them had gotten rid of their money and adopted the common money of Europe, the Euro.

By 2007, there were 27 members in what became known as the European Union. It wasn't the Common Market anymore because that phase was over. They now took upon themselves the name the European Union. By 2007, they were the world's number one economic power. They had 500 million population with the greatest economic might on the face of the planet. That was where they were at that point, but the mission was not yet completed.

We want pause and ask this question now because I've painted a scenario here that I'm asking you to believe ~ Is the European Union really the prophesied rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire?...The PROPHESIED Holy Roman Empire out of which the Antichrist and the False Prophet will soon emerge? Is that really true, or am I simply reading something into this that's not there?

They decided they would start printing money. The first money was printed in 1987, a coin called the ECU (the European Currency Unit). When they decided to print their first money as the European Union, they were looking for someone's picture that would really convey the meaning of what was going on. They put the picture of Charlemagne. Remember, he was the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Pope Leo III placed the crown on his head on Christmas Day, December 25, 800 AD. Now, they decide to put his picture on their first coin. Was it because they understood that they were actually presiding over the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire? You better believe it.

That's not the only proof we have. They decided about this time that they would award a prize annually for the state's person in the world who had done the most that year to promote European unification. The realization of their United States of Europe dream. They were looking for a name for this prize for European unification. They named it the Charlemagne Prize. It's given every year. President Clinton received the Charlemagne in 2000 because there was a problem with Yugoslavia. Europe had to have Yugoslavia as part of its United States of Europe, as part of its European Union, but Slobodan Milosevic didn't want to lose soverignty and he resisted being melted into the European Union, so he had to be removed. President Clinton led the charge. He used the forces of NATO and he took Slobodan Milosevic out power. Milosevic ended up on trial before the world court in the Hague and today Yugoslavia is now part of the European Union. President Clinton was given the prize for that.

Actually there were some interesting things said at the coronation of Clinton for that year's Charlemagne Prize. He went to Aachen, Germany where the prize is awarded. That's the home of Charlemagne. Still standing in Aachen is the cathedral he built in 800 AD. That is where President Clinton received his award. Clinton said in his acceptance speech:
“The job of building a united Europe is certainly not finished and it is important not to take all this self-congratulation too far.” Clinton was only the third American to receive the Prestigious International Charlemagne Prize for promoting European unity. Clinton understood fully what this prize as about. He understood what he was doing when he led the charge against Milosevic and he understood he got the prize for bringing Yugoslavia into the United States of Europe.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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