2 – 666: Mark Of The Beast
God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the
End Times …
have got to understand this whole program was conceived in Hell by
Satan, himself. His desire is to cause all of us to worship him
because he hates God. He hates the fact that the human race is God's
prized creation. He wants you and me and everybody in the world to
worship him through the Antichrist.
the Bible says that the False Prophet will influence the entire world
to worship the Antichrist. That really will result in the entire
world worshiping Satan. That's what Satan wants. He does not want us
to worship our Creator, the one, true God. He wants us to worship
scriptures tell us when you take the mark of the beast ~ and it tells
us here that if you don't, you will actually be killed. This is a
dramatic, drastic scripture. But the Bible says whosoever refuses to
worship will be killed. How could that happen in modern society?
the clock back about 100 years. Go to the times of Joseph Stalin. Go
to the times of Mao Tse Tung. Joseph Stalin slaughtered at least 20
million people because they would not conform to his regime
politically and spiritually. They tell us from 1949, when the
communists took over Mainland China, until right now, there have been
60 million killed over the last 50 years. I'm talking about in recent
times here. I'm talking about within the last 100 years. And we know
what happened with Adolph Hitler. Six million Jews, a total of about
11 million slaughtered, not counting the fatalities that were
committed in World War II.
us to think it couldn't happen now, that's folly. We have records of
incidences like this from the beginning of time until now. You can
talk about the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, or more recently,
the Soviet Union, Communist China, Nazi Germany.
hate to tell you this … It's getting ready to happen again. The
Bible says this coming persecution will be the worst persecution,
ever. It will be a tribulation such as never has been before or ever
again shall be. I wish it were not true, but it's going to happen.
absolutely certain to happen. We can stick our head in the sand and
act like it's not going to happen, but it is going to happen. It's in
YOUR Bible. It's in MY Bible. It's Prophecy. The prophecies always
come to pass, so it's absolutely critical to you and to me that we
really take this to heart.
look at the rest of the passage in Revelation 13. In Revelation
13:16-17 it says:
he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name
of the beast, or the number of his name.”
it says 3 things here:
- The Mark
- The Name of the Beast
- The Number of his name
those things because the Bible says that's what you're going to have
to accept in order to be able to buy or sell ~ To participate in the
you do not take the mark, you will be boycotted, economically. That
means they are going to force you out of commerce. You won't be able
to go to the store. You won't be able to provide for your family. You
are going to be put off limits because by this time diversity will no
longer be tolerated. They are going to insist that everyone comes to
conformity. We see this happening already.
Germany, right now, it's against the law to home school your
children. They explain, “We don't want a parallel society. We want
everybody thinking alike. We want everyone to have the same values.
We want everyone to have the same culture.
already starting all over again, and that's not just Germany. There
are other places in Europe right now that are starting to outlaw home
schooling because they want you to think like the state wants you to
think. That's what's going to move all the way through Europe. Europe
is going to be the power base of the Antichrist. The world community
already is using sanctions to force obedience.
when we read these prophecies we think, “Wait a minute. It could
never happen.”
the fact is, it is happening right now. The United Nations, right now
… Any nation that does not comply with the edicts of the UN
Security Council, they will pass sanctions against them. It was Iraq
first of all with Saddam Hussein.
recently, we've passed several levels of sanctions against Iran.
You're very aware of that. It's in our news all the time right now.
this prophecy not only applies to sanctions on a national level,
we're talking about a prophecy that says sanctions on an individual
level will soon be levied against people. You know as well as I do
that it's never been possible for sanctions to be placed against us
on an individual level ~ at least until now.
the technology does exist so that they could put you off limits. We
don't have a total cashless society yet, but there are actually laws
in place that force you to have an approved national ID card or else
you can't hold a job. If you can't hold a job, how can you buy or
sell? You can't make any money.
we see the laws are moving toward this 2000 year old prophecy, which
could never be fulfilled prior to now. It can be fulfilled right now
with the emergence of modern technology. You know as well as I do
that you could buy almost anything if you have a valid credit card
with a valid number. You can pick up the phone and buy things from
Hong Kong, from Singapore, from all over the world. But if you don't
have that number, you're out of business in the land of interstate
and international commerce.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am
accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and
support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries
and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to
visit his website at
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