3 – Holy Roman Empire Reborn
God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the
End Times …
review of our Prophecy in Daniel 2:31-45, we have:
- Head of gold = Babylonian Empire (604 – 539 BC)
- Arms and breast of silver = Media-Persian Empire (539 – 331 BC).Now we will look at:
- Belly and thighs of brass = Grecian Empire (331 – 197 BC).
the Great came stampeding through the land in 331 BC. He conquered
the Empire of the Medes and the Persians. Alexander the Great
actually conquered the known world of his day by the time he was only
30 years of age. When he finally conquered the last outpost of
resistance, history tells us that he sat down and wept because there
were no more worlds to conquer. He loved war more than anything. So
that began the Kingdom of the Grecians and Greece ruled the world for
the next couple of hundred years from 331 BC until about 197 BC.
was in 197 BC that the Romans defeated the Grecians and began to
rule. The Romans were symbolized in the prophecy about all these
world empires as the legs of iron. The Roman Empire was the strongest
and lasted the longest. The Romans ruled the entire world from 197 BC
– 284 AD.
was the Romans that ruled the world during the time of Jesus Christ.
That's the reason there were Roman soldiers at the crucifixion of
Jesus. Those were occupying forces that were there to enforce the
will of the Roman government on the people of Israel. That's the
reason the people would come to Jesus and ask if they should pay the
Roman tax.
course, Jesus knew it was a trick and if he said No, the Romans would
come and arrest him and take him away for rebellion against the
Empire. Instead, He had them bring him a penny. When He asked them
whose inscription was on there and they said Ceasar, He told them,
“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Render unto God
the things that are God's.”
we come to the most important part of this prophecy. Notice when you
move from each segment of the image there's a total change of metal
every time. From gold to silver to brass to iron. Until you get to
the last segment. You move from the legs of iron to the feet of iron
mingled with clay. This is very important because this time there's
not a total change. This really helps us understand what the last
empire is going to be. The last empire is not going to be the Roman
Empire, but it's going to be related to the Roman Empire. The
Roman element is kept as we move from 300 AD until finally 800 AD. It
was in 800 AD that the Holy Roman Empire was born.
Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire are not the same Empire. The
Roman Empire was a totally secular empire, but the Holy Roman Empire,
as its name depicts, is to be a Union, an alliance of church and
state, of politics and religion.
Holy Roman Empire was actually born in 800 AD when Pope Leo III
placed the crown on the head of Charlemagne, announcing that he was
now the emperor of the HOLY Roman Empire. So when the Bible depicts
the feet of iron mingled with clay, the iron was the Roman element,
but the clay was the religious element. Now they're joined together.
that time on, the Holy Roman Empire ruled the world pretty much for
the next 1000 years. The leaders that ruled the Holy Roman Empire
were always a dual leadership. Always the political leader from
Europe and the spirtiual leader, every single time, from Italy. It
was a combination of the political leader and the spiritual leader,
and of course, the spiritual leader was always the Pope of the Roman
Catholic Church of the Vatican. So this is depicting the Holy Roman
Notice how the iron is now carried over from Roman Empire to the Holy
Roman Empire and that Empire continued for the next 1000 years or so.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am
accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and
support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries
and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to
visit his website at
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