Thursday, May 23, 2013

Part 1 – 666: Mark Of The Beast

Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

You go through a check out line and the cashier rings up your purchases. The total comes to $6.66. What goes through your head? Do you instantly think, “Mark of the Beast”?

It's interesting that no matter who it is, when you say “666”, all of a sudden they know what you are talking about. What do you know about the Mark of the Beast?

The Bible prophesies a time when every person will be required by the Antichrist and his world government to have a number. Without this number, you will not be able to buy anything or sell anything. In order to get your number, you will be forced to worship, or pledge allegiance to the Antichrist and his world government system.

One more thing that is very important is, if you pledge allegiance to the Antichrist, you will be eternally damned according to the Bible.

The system that the Bible prophesies for the days of the Antichrist, for the time just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ; this system could never be set up until now. The prophecy is 2000 years old, but the fulfillment is only possible right now. Only with the invention of the computer, the birth of the internet and the use of credit cards has it become possible to set up a system whereby every person on earth could be tracked and controlled, economically. You know as well as I do that this now has become possible.

Have you ever stood in front of an ATM Machine, or possibly using a credit card at a gas station, you swipe your card and the screen says, “Authorization Failed”? What went wrong? You've got to get it fixed or you don't get any gas or you're not able to get your money. What caused the problem? It could have been too many purchases that day. Perhaps you are over your credit limit. Maybe there's a mistake. There is a database somewhere that controls whether you can use that card or number to buy or sell.

The prophecy 2000 years old said a day would come when you would use a number in order to buy or sell. It's been absolutely incomprehensible until our generation. Yet, the prophecy written 2000 years before credit cards came into existance is there in the Bible stating that the time will come when everyone will have to have a mark or a number in order to be able to buy or sell.

We now have a system in place whereby every person could be given a number. That number could be used to determine whether you can participate in the economy or not. I'm talking about a database that could control the world.

Let me make sure I say here at the very beginning or our lesson that this is possibly the most important lesson you will every hear in your entire life because this lesson can mean the difference between eternal salvation and eternal damnation.

The prophecy states that you will not be allowed to buy or sell if you have not pledged allegiance to the Antichrist and his world government. One entry into your database and your access to the global economy will be cut off.

Think about this for just one moment. Let's just say that a world religious system were set up and everyone has to pledge allegiance to that world religious system in order for their particular point on the database to be checked okay. If that's not checked, then your number will not work, your card will not work. They have the power at a mere stroke of the computer to either grant you access to buy or sell, especially if we come into a world that is a totally cashless society. (By the way, we are getting closer and closer to that all the time.)

Mikhail Gorbachev, in his famous book, Perestroika, stated back in 1987 that there are three root causes for war on earth:
  1. Political Conflicts
  2. Religious Conflicts
  3. Economic Conflicts

He theorized in his book that if we had a One-World Government, a global belief system, a global ethic, some kind of a global religion that all religions could ascribe to, that they could all buy into the common denominator. And if we had a global economy that we would have removed the root causes for war on earth, we could enter into a time of peace and security.

It may surprise you, but exactly that kind of a system is described in your Bible 2000 years ago. Revelation 13 talks about a time when there will be a world government, a world religion and a global economy, just like Mr. Gorbachev suggested.

Revelation Chapter 13 is divided into 3 sections:
  1. Verses 1-8 = The Antichrist and his world government
  2. Verses 11-15 = The False Prophet and his religious system
  3. Verses 15-18 = The global economic system

The global economic system in verses 15-18 are our focus for this lesson. The global economic system will be used to force compliance and obedience to the One-World Government and the One-World Religious System. The global economic system will be used to control every person on earth. Revelation 13:15 says:
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

The beast is referring to the political leader, the Antichrist. The False Prophet gives life to the image of the beast. How does this work?

Remember, this prophecy is 2000 years old. Could they be talking about television? We know that a person can go on television and you can see that person as though they are live in your living room, world-wide. Could it be a hologram? I don't know the answer to that particular question, but somehow, some way, they are going to be able to put out there the image of this one great world leader so that we can hear him speak and almost have a personal relationship with him.

When we talk about that he's going to force all of us to worship the beast, does that mean we're all going to bow down to a man and say, “You're my lord, you're my savior, you're my god”? What is it going to mean to worship? Could it mean to pledge allegiance to?

We know that in Adolph Hitler's day, there was a system very close to this and everyone would stand for hours with their hand raised and shouting “Hail Hitler”. It was really a form of Emperor worship.

How will we pledge allegiance? Will we pledge allegiance to the One-World Government, to the New World Order? Whatever it is, the Bible sees it as worship. To worship the Antichrist will be to worship the Devil.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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