Wednesday, May 22, 2013

In Today's News … May 21, 2013

Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

According to the prophecies of the Bible, a peace agreement will be reached between Palestinians and Israelis. When this happens, it will be one of the greatest prophetic fulfillments of all times. US Secretary of State John Kerry is attempting to facilitate this agreement right now. Will he succeed?

The Middle East peace process continues to push it's agenda to the front page of world affairs. US Secretary of State John Kerry has been very active since he became the US Secretary of State. He has been working almost day and night to revive the peace talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis. There is some reason to believe that, perhaps, there is movement.

The Arab League has changed it's stance. The Arab League with it's Arab League initiative of 2002 said that if Israel would withdraw to 1967 borders, the Arab countries would make a peace agreement with Israel and recognize Israel's right to exist. This comes almost 50 years after the 1967 war.

A lot of realities have changed over the past 50 or 60 years, one of them being there are now 650 Jews living in the area called the West Bank. Some people refer to it as the Occupied Territories. It is occupied from Jordan who occupied it from the British Mandate when the British pulled out. Who has a right to that land? In 1920 the International Community gave all that land to the nation of Israel. It's a muddled and confusing mess. Nevertheless, starting from where we are right now, there are reasons to believe that there might be a break through coming:
  1. The Israelis have announced they are stopping all building in the settlements for the next few weeks.
  2. The Arab League has said that they will not only ask Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders, but they understand there may need to be some more land swaps so that heavy population centers where these Jews live over the 1967 border line can then become a part of Israel and another part of Israel can be given to the Palestinians in return.

There are many other things that seem to be developing. Now be sure you understand, according to the prophecies of the Bible, a peace agreement will be reached between Palestinians and Israelis. When this happens, it will be one of the 5 greatest prophetic fulfillments of all times ~ of the last 6000 years of recorded history. It ranks right up there with the crucifixion and ressurection of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ's birth and the rebirth of the nation of Israel. This is a HUGE prophecy, because when this deal is done, it starts the final 7 years to the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

This means, if John Kerry gets this deal done yet this year, this will mean the final 7 years to the Battle of Armageddon and the physical Second Coming of Jesus Christ to this earth will begin.

I don't know if John Kerry will accomplish this this year, or not, but I do know that this is going to take place. The only question is “When?” The Bible clearly prophecies that there will be an agreement; that it will place Judea under Palestinian control; that it will place the Temple Mount under a sharing arrangement; but it will not solve the status of Jerusalem.

An article from United Nations stated:
“The top Palestinian negotiator with Israel on Monday threw his weight behind US Secretary of State, John Kerry's bid to revive the stalled peace talks while describing the situation in the West Bank as apartheid worse than that suffered in South Africa. Kerry is due to visit Jerusalem and Rama-la on Thursday and Friday (2 days from today, May 21, 2013).
US brokered peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis broke down in 2010 in a dispute over continuing Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank.”

The part about the peace talks in 2010 is not entirely true. The talks actually never got started during the entire Obama administration. What happened was, Abbas kept saying, “If you will stop building in the West Bank, then we will come to the talks.” When Netanyahu called his bluff by stopping building in November 2009. This halt of settlement building continued until September 2010. Two weeks before the end of the 10 month moratorium, the Palestinians came back to the table in a lot of bluster and motion saying, “Here we are. We are ready for peace.”

They start talking and barely have a few meetings when it comes time for the moratorium to be stopped. Abbas said, “If you begin to build the settlements again, we're leaving.”

Netanyahu said, “Look, I promised my people that I would suspend building for ten months. You waited for nine months and two weeks before you bothered to come to the table. Sorry. We're not renewing it again. If you don't want to talk, that's fine.”

They started the settlements back up again. Abbas and his group got up and walked out of the talk. So there have really been no talks since the beginning of the Obama administration.

The article continues:
“Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, told a UN committee in New York on Monday that a settlement freeze and the release of Palestinian prisoners were not conditions for returning for negotiations, but rather, obligations Israel must fulfill.” (watch this double-talk.) “This is not a negotiation. This is just an obligation Israel has to do before we will come back to the table for peace talks.”

So it's not a condition ~ But it is a condition. How do you talk to people like this?

Clinton got a taste of this in 2000. He had Arafat and Ehud Barak together talking at Camp David. He thought he was going to get the deal done. They got to the part about the Temple Mount and Arafat looked at Clinton and said, “There never was a Temple on the Temple Mount.”

Clinton said, “What about Jesus teaching in the Temple?”

Arafat said, “There never was a Temple on the Temple Mount.”

Clinton said, “But it says in the Bible that Jesus taught in the Temple.”

And Arafat said, “There never was a Temple on the Temple Mount.”

Finally Clinton realized that he wasn't talking to a normal human being. He realized that he was talking to a group of people that could say something over and over again until they believe their own lies. Consequently, that's when the whole thing fell apart.

So, that is what is happening here again. They are saying it's not a condition ~ But we're not coming back unless you do this. This condition is not a condition. This is double-talk, to say the least.

The article continues:
“Make no mistake, we are exerting every possible effort in order to see Mr. Kerry succeed. No one benefits more from the success of Secretary Kerry than the Palestinians and no one loses more from his failure than Palestinians. Erekat said that in the past two months, Kerry had met with Palestinian President, Abbas, five times and met with Erekat three times and the three spoke by phone almost weekly. Mr. Kerry is keeping things close to his chest. He likes to work below the radar and grow things like mushrooms, Erekat said. We did everything in order to enable him to succeed.”

He is not going to wait for years or months. Kerry has said he wants something done by June 7, 2013. Will something be done in the next 2 ½ weeks? I do not know the answer.

Here's the big point. Something is going to get done. The agreement is coming. It will be a world changing agreement. I cannot tell you if it will happen this year, or next year, or the year after. But I can tell you with absolute certainty that it is coming because the Bible prophecies that it is coming.

Whenever it comes, it will launch the final 7 years to the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Netanyahu calls the 1967 borders indefensible because it leaves Israel 9 miles wide at the waist and leaves every Israeli city within missile range of the Palestinians from the territory that they would possess.

If Israel makes this agreement, will the new territory become launching pads for bombings of Tel Avive, Jerusalem, Haifa and the Ben Gurion Airport. Will this threaten the State of Israel? The answer is “Yes”.

Why should they fear that? Because they withdrew, voluntarily, from Gaza as a goodwill gesture in 2005. Instead of being appreciated, it was interpreted as weakness and the Palestinians moved closer and launched their missiles deeper into the heartland of Israel. So Israel has a reason to look for security here.

There is movement in the Middle East and John Kerry will be back there this week. He has set a goal to announce plans for the new talks to begin by June 7, 2013.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at 

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