Monday, April 8, 2013

Part 6 – World War III
Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the prophecies of the End Times …
What is the world going to look like the day after? Here, we have 1/3 of the world's population dead... gone... many of them never to be seen again... vaporized by the intense heat of nuclear exchanges. Others dying a slow, agonizing death from nuclear radiation. The world and everything is upside down. Nobody knows where to turn. The structures of the world are shaken and the USA will probably be regarded as a pariah nation because we will probably be responsible for most of the fatalities.
There is a prophecy in the Bible that tells us what the world will look like. It is Revelation 13. This passage about the One-World Government is 3 ½ years before Armageddon, so this passage is after World War III. Revelation 13:1-3 reads:
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon (that's Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”
What on earth is this telling us?
From past lessons, you will remember a Beast in Bible prophecy always represents a nation and multiple heads on a Beast represent the number of times that nation will rise and fall.
In Daniel 7, there were 4 Beasts:
  1. The Lion representing Great Britain with The Eagle representing the USA
  2. The Bear representing Russia
  3. The Leopard representing Germany
  4. The 10-Horned Beast representing the Holy Roman Empire – The Countries of Europe.
There are 4 separate Beasts in Daniel 7. When we move to Revelation 13, look at the components. It is one Beast with the body of the Leopard, the feet of the Bear, the mouth of the Lion and all 7 heads of the Beasts because there were 7 heads back in Daniel 7. The prophecy of Daniel 7 that was given back in 550 BC and Revelation was written in 96 AD. That's 650 years between writings, yet they are still using the same exact symbols only in a different way. Because there is still the body of the Leopard, the feet of the Bear, the mouth of the Lion, all their heads along with the 10-Horned Beast, we see that Germany, Russia, Great Britain and the revival of the Holy Roman Empire are all going to be integral parts of the One-World Governmental system. The difference is, there are no Eagle's Wings in Revelation 13. No USA.
What does this mean? Has the USA been wiped off the map? Did USA go into isolation?
Does it scare you that the Wings of the Eagle are not there? Don't let it scare you. This is GOOD NEWS! Remember that if you are included in this conglomerate Beast, you are under the reign of the Antichrist. By the USA not being in this Beast, it shows that the USA is not under the control of the Antichrist. We don't know why we are removed. Whether it is because we have gone into solitary confinement, or our leaders finally understand what the prophecies say and have decided to retreat from world affairs and perhaps will play a different role at this time. True, we could have been wiped out, but there are some reasons to believe that we more than likely we will not be.
This brings up the question of “What will happen to the Nation of Israel?”
We know that Israel is going to survive because she is going to build her 3rd Temple on the Temple Mount. We also know, in the wake of this horrific event of 2.2 billion dead, Israel is going to resume animal sacrifices. That means there is somewhat of a religious revival taking place in the Nation of Israel.
All these things have to be completed before the Antichrist assumes total global power. Israel believes the key to peace on earth is to rebuild the Temple and for the Messiah to come back. We know the Temple will be rebuilt before the final 3 ½ years; before the Antichrist is actually recognized and assumes power.
Another thing we want to ask is who will make up the 2.2 billion that will be killed in World War III?
There is a good chance it could be Islam because the Islamic world controls the Euphrates River and that's where this war actually comes from. Furthermore, in the new world order, there is going to be One-World Political System and One-World Religious System. Is Islam willing to comprise and be willing to go into a One-World Religious System? Maybe, and maybe not. False religion (Islam is a false religion) is always willing to compromise. They don't stick with the Truth. They go with whatever is expedient and best for them. However, knowing Islam, I have a feeling they will never be willing to totally blend in. So it could be that Islam will pretty well be wiped out.
What about China? China is not depicted in the prophecies of the Bible. The dragon in Revelation 13 is very specifically referring to Satan, himself, as giving power to this One-World Governmental System.
A lot of people think that the kings in the East in Revelation 16 is referring to China. That is not China, either, because those kings are specifically named in Ezekiel 38. They are going to come from the East across the River Euphrates. And it names them. Meshech, which is the original name for Moscow, Russia; Persia is Iran; Libya; Ethiopia. So we see that the kings that are going to come down against Israel is not referring to China. So it could be that China is going to be wiped out.
We can see who it is NOT going to be, but 2.2 billion people is a LOT of people. We are not sure who it will all include in order for 1/3 of the world's population to be wiped out.
Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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