5 – World War III
Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the prophecies of the End Times …
What will the world be like after 1/3 of mankind – 2.2 billion people – are killed?
What happens to the USA and the nation of Israel after this war?
Who will the key participants in the government of the Antichrist be?
previously learned that the 6th Trumpet War is coming.
About that time, an International Peace for the Middle East will be
confirmed. The Jewish Temple will be built on the Temple Mount beside
the Dome of the Rock, so the Temple Mount will be shared. Sacrifices
in this new Jewish Temple will be instituted. Then the sacrifices
will be stopped by the Antichrist. He will then stand on the Temple
Mount saying I am the ultimate authority here. The Bible even says he
will exalt himself above all that is called god or is worshiped. This
is what is called the Abomination of Desolation. The Bible also says
that is the revelation of the Antichrist. This is the way that the
people who understand the prophecies will know for sure who he is.
This also begins the Final 3 ½ Years called the Great Tribulation.
During this final 3 ½ years, the Mark of the Beast will be instituted. This will be a mark or a number that everyone will be forced to take, or else they will not be allowed to buy or sell, which probably means they will not be able to have a job. They won't be able to participate in the economy. They will have to pledge their allegiance to this One World Government and the leader of the One World Government, the Antichrist, in order to get their mark or number. This is going to be the ultimate control mechanism.
At the end of the 3 ½ years, the world governmental system will try to invade the Nation of Israel, triggering the battle of Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon is when Jesus Christ returns to the earth, fights against the world government armies, puts them down, and establishes His Kingdom – A Kingdom that will never pass away and never be destroyed!
We want to know whether World War III will happen before the Peace Agreement in the Middle East, or after. The Bible gives us a prophecy with a date on it. This prophecy is that there will be the confirmation of the Abrahamic covenant; that there will be a Peace Agreement between the international community and Israel, probably participated in by the Palestinians, and that when this is concluded, it will place the Temple Mount under a sharing arrangement, placing it under international control. When that agreement is concluded, the Bible says there are 7 years left to the battle of Armageddon.
The big question is, will this war that is going to kill 1/3 of mankind, World War III, happen before the Peace agreement, or after? I personally think it will happen before. It's hard to imagine seeing 2.2 billion people slaughtered at the same time there is a Peace Agreement and they're building their 3rd Temple in Israel. I suspect this war is going to happen just before all this is going to occur. Then in the wake of that war, after 2.2 billion people have been killed, there will be such an incredible cry for peace on earth that then the Middle East Peace will be ushered right in. The Antichrist will jump right in on this and most people will think this is a wonderful thing.
What's going to start World War III?
Could it be another terror attack on the USA?
There are rumors right now that Israel may attack Iran. Iran is moving to develop nuclear technology. Israel knows that one bomb on the Nation of Israel will destroy the nation. The President of Iran is repeatedly saying that Israel is going to be wiped off the map, so Israel is thinking, “should we attack, or not?” Some people feel the USA should do it for Israel.
We do not know, today, exactly what will trigger the beginning of World War III, but it's coming. Some people think we are already in World War III. James Woolsey, Director of the CIA under President Clinton, Thomas Friedman, Journalist for the New York Times and Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, have all stated they, “Believe WWIII started on September 11, 2001 (9/11).
It's like this launched the war on terrorism and we're finding out that the more we fight terrorism, the more terrorism we have. President Bush said it might be a 30 year war. It's like they know what they are doing.
President Bush on May 6, 2006, said, speaking about the revolt on Flight 93 by the passengers was, “the first counterattack to World War III.”
The conflict that is going to be triggered, whenever this happens, will engulf the whole world. We know you don't kill 2.2 billion human beings without a world war. The only way to kill that many people will be nuclear.
next big question is:
will the war end up?
long will it take?
don't know.
Once nuclear weapons start flying, whole nations will be wiped out. We're talking about the possibility of the nation of China being totally eradicated. After all, China is quite a threat to America. Many people our star is in decline and the star of China is rising. There are many people in America that don't want to listen to that. We don't like the idea of a Marxist Dictatorship being the most powerful force on earth and reshaping the world in its image. Sooo could we under some kind of a provocation start pushing those nuclear buttons and wipe out the entire nation of China? We owe them $1.7 trillion and they have threatened to bankrupt us. But if we wipe the whole nation out, we wouldn't owe them anything. It is horrific to think like this! But are there people in power capable of thinking this way? You better believe there are.
Once nuclear weapons start flying, whole nations will be wiped out. We're talking about the possibility of the nation of China being totally eradicated. After all, China is quite a threat to America. Many people our star is in decline and the star of China is rising. There are many people in America that don't want to listen to that. We don't like the idea of a Marxist Dictatorship being the most powerful force on earth and reshaping the world in its image. Sooo could we under some kind of a provocation start pushing those nuclear buttons and wipe out the entire nation of China? We owe them $1.7 trillion and they have threatened to bankrupt us. But if we wipe the whole nation out, we wouldn't owe them anything. It is horrific to think like this! But are there people in power capable of thinking this way? You better believe there are.
The same evil lurks in the hearts of men that was there in World War I and World War II. They think they are right. They think their cause is right. Do they have the ability to do it? Yes, they do. Not only that, but the Bible says they are going to do it. This is not something that MAY happen. This is something that is GOING TO happen! It is prophesied in YOUR Bible and the prophecies ALWAYS come to pass!
The only place for safety is in Jesus Christ. If you have not made your decision to accept Him as your personal Savior, you need to make that decision. Once your life is over, it will be too late. No more chances.
Coming up we will discuss The Day After.
Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at
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