Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 16, 2013 – Discussing Today's News – The RealID Act and the Bombings at the Boston Marathon.

Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

Today's blog is mostly quoted and paraphrased from Pastor Irvin Baxter's radio show aired 4/15/2013 and can be heard in full in his radio "P&R Archives" at endtime.com

Our prayers and love go out to the people, family and friends affected by the Boston Marathon bombings. At this writing, the report is that there were 3 deaths including an 8 year old boy and over 100 people injured, with many of them in critical condition. We do not know who or what is behind it yet, but we will find out.

It appears that the REALID Act has been defeated. After eight years only thirteen states have complied to the REALID guidelines. However, before we rejoice, a new effort is afoot to implement a national ID and could be introduced to the Senate as soon as tomorrow. They are determined to number and track us.

We have led the fight against the REALID Act since before it was passed. We saw it coming. We knew it was coming. Consequently, we asked everyone to call their Senators and Congressmen to put pressure on the government to not to pass the REALID Act. However, in spite of anything that could be done and inspite of the fact that the American citizens were overwhelmingly against it, the US Senate slipped it in on the back of a 1,000 page “must pass” appropriations bill and passed the REALID Act.

We then commenced a campaign to make sure that it was never implemented. As a result, 26 states out of 50 have passed laws or resolutions against the implementation of the REALID Act.

The bill was signed by President Bush on May 11, 2005 with a deadline date of May 11, 2008. No one was conforming so they pushed it back to December 31, 2009. That didn't work so they reset it to May 11, 2011. Still with very little cooperation, they pushed the deadline back to January 15, 2013.

As of January 15, 2013, they had 13 states out of 50 in compliance to the benchmarks of the REALID Act. Now they have reset the date to 2015, however, they know that the REALID Act is pretty much dead in the water. With this very poor liklihood of success, what do you do?

You just remodel it. Back it up. Change the name of it. Sell it under a different title. And THAT'S what is going on.

You've been following the push for a new immigration bill. You have talked about the “Gang of 8” because they are drafting a bi-partisan immigration bill in order to bring immigration under control.

All of us would like to see the problem of immigration brought under control, however, NOT AT THE PRICE OF A NATIONAL ID. I would just as soon you drop the borders completely if the cost of controlling those borders is a National ID.

I believe the borders could be controlled without a National ID. But if, for whatever reason, we can't seem to control our borders the way many other countries can, and illegal immigrants slip in, I would rather that happen than to have all Americans with an ID Card with a number that you must have to buy or sell. That's what will happen with this new proposal that they are saying will be presented to the Senate, Tuesday, April 15, 2013.

We are asking everyone to call your Senator at 202-224-3121. And include the House of Representatives while you are at it. Flood their offices with phone calls saying: NO NATIONAL ID!!

There are very influential Senators being led by John McCain (R) and Chuck Schumer (D). They are leading the attack in an attempt to get a National ID through. Some of the article says:

“Senators drafting a bi-partaken immigration bill consider the creation of a high tech national identity card to be carried by all workers, whether or not they are US citizens.”

Let me remind you at this point, the United States of America, for over 230 years, have resisted a National ID card. It has been tried on us many times because big government people love it. It's a control device. You can't get a tyranny installed in government without a National ID because you can't keep track of everybody. Once you get a National ID, it will only work if you have a national database of people who have a legitimate National ID. The way it works is, you go apply for a job, they swipe your card, it immediately checks with the Federal database, and you're either there, or you're not. If you're not there, it becomes illegal for them to employee you. If you are there, you are approved. This whole thing is going to work with a National database and if you hold a job in this country, they want you in that database. They want to be able to tell you whether you can hold a job in America, or not. Before you go jumping into this because you think you have no problem with it and that you are legal, let's say...They decide to use this as a mechanism for other forms of control.

The Bible says what they are going to do is ultimately force you to pledge allegiance to a one-world governmental system and the philosophy of that one-world governmental system.

There is already a document out there called the Global Ethic. Mr. Hans Kung of the Parliament of World's Religions in 1993 passed the Global Ethic and said that everyone should subscribe to this in order to eliminate religious strife from the world. They say that religious strife is the number 1 cause of war upon the earth, therefore, if everyone would ascribe to this Glogal Ethic, we would eliminate the chief cause of war upon earth and that it should be done.

So let's just say that in order to get your name in the database they would say to you, “Are you willing to pledge allegiance to the Global Ethic and the one-world governmental system?” We know that's not going to happen today. They are just setting up the means today.

After a war that kills 1/3 of mankind – 2.3 billion people, which they will blame on world terrorism. You may think this war will not happen. I'm here to tell you is absolutely WILL happen. It's in YOUR Bible in black and white. The Prophecies ALWAYS come to pass. We are headed straight for it right now. Whether you want to talk about Syria, or North Korea, or whatever, we are headed toward it right now.

This brings us to the horrible attack on the Boston Marathon. When things like this happen, how do you control that? How do you know who is who, who is what, who does what?

We're going to tighten down all the loop holes and this National ID will be a high tech identification that will require your fingerprints, your eye scans, biometric identification that they think they can make fool proof.

Remember what the prophecy says. You will need a mark in your hand or in your forehead. We know the fingerprints are in our hand and eyes are in our forehead. Think about this. This thing is coming at us.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at endtime.com. 

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