As you probably know, Pope Benedict XVI has stepped down due to failing health. He felt he did not have the strength to carry on.
The conclave to elect the new Roman Catholic pope is expected to begin Tuesday, March 12th. They would like to get the election completed in time for Holy Week ... Palm Sunday to Easter.
Bible states Rome will be destroyed during the time of the Antichrist
and the False Prophet. The Bible also teaches whoever is the last
pope will be the False Prophet.
The Bible continues to teach us the Roman Catholic Church will be in partnership with a One-World Government system. This system is now emerging. All the popes of the last 50 years have endorsed a One-World Governmental system. They have promoted it as well as the Holy Roman Empire Reborn and the European Union in Europe, which they have been supporting for a long time.
The Bible continues to teach us the Roman Catholic Church will be in partnership with a One-World Government system. This system is now emerging. All the popes of the last 50 years have endorsed a One-World Governmental system. They have promoted it as well as the Holy Roman Empire Reborn and the European Union in Europe, which they have been supporting for a long time.
people believe the new pope will become the False Prophet spoken of
in the Bible. Here's why …
is a Roman Catholic prophecy given by St. Malachy in 1139 AD. He
visited Rome at that time and had a vision that prophesied the future
popes. He stated that there will be 112 popes from his 1139 AD
prophecy to the last pope and that during the days of the112th
pope, Rome would be destroyed.
is important to keep in mind, the Bible does not teach that the 112th
pope will be the False Prophet, nor that the next pope will be the
False Prophet. Those are the words of St. Malachy. However, the
similarities of the prophecy and the Bible are very strong and very
are people talking about the prophecy now?
This next pope to be elected will be the 112th pope since 1139 AD.
This next pope to be elected will be the 112th pope since 1139 AD.
next-to-last motto in the prophecy of the popes has been associated
with Pope Benedict XVI. Since he is now at the end of his papacy,
that would bring us to the last name in the prophecy of the popes,
which many have taken to indicate the final pope at the end of the
passage reads as follows:
the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they
are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the
dreadful judge will judge his people. The end."
have a couple of speculations coming into this new papacy. St.
Malachy gave clues for the identities of each pope as he gave the
prophecies. For instance, regarding our last pope that recently
resigned, Pope Benedict XVI, the clue was Glory of the Olive. His
real name was Ratzinger, which had nothing to do with the olive. As
we know, the popes do not keep their own names, but choose a new name
as pope. Ratzinger took the name of Benedict. As it turns out, the
Benedictine Order has a very powerful part of it called the Olivettas
and their official symbol is the olive.
clue to the 112th pope is "Peter the Roman". Two of the
foremost candidates to become the next pope have the name Peter.
There is a Cardinal by the name of Peter Turkson from Ghana and there
is another Cardinal from Italy with one of his names being Petrus,
which is Latin for Peter. If either one of these Cardinals were
elected, it would be quite a fit to this clue.
speculation is that whoever is elected, takes on the name Peter II
as his name to rule. No one has ever taken the name of Peter II
because they so much revere Peter as the first pope, however, this
could also be a possibility.
let me impress that this prophecy is not found in the Bible and it is
not approved by the Magisterium. But it is quite interesting.
We will be discussing more End Time events and lining them up with the prophecies of the Bible to show that...
We will be discussing more End Time events and lining them up with the prophecies of the Bible to show that...
Is Coming Soon!
Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at
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