Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Part 4 - The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the prophecies of the End Times …
We have determined that the Red Horse, or Red Spirit, is Communism, the Black Horse or Black Spirit is Capitalism, and the White Horse or White Spirit is Catholicism. We will now learn the identity of the Pale Horse, or the Pale Spirit. Revelation 6:7-8 says:
“And when He had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, come and see. And I looked, and behold a PALE horse and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

Many think the Pale Horse is simply Death, and Hell follows with it. The sooner a person dies, the less chance they have of being saved, the greater the odds of them going to Hell. The problem is, the other 3 Horses are Spirits of Catholicism, Communism, Capitalism, and now Death? That just does not make sense. It doesn't fit. What are we missing?
When studying, we see that the original Greek word translated 'PALE' is 'CHLOROS', which translates from Greek to mean 'GREEN', such as in Chlorophyl.
Studying the original Greek word 'CHLOROS' further, we find it in Mark 6:39 where it says:
“And He commanded them to all sit down by companies upon the 'CHLOROS' grass.”
Here it is translated as 'GREEN'.
In Revelation 8:7 it says:
“And all CHLOROS grass was burnt up.”
This is translated GREEN.
Revelation 9:4 says:
“And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any CHLOROS thing.” This is also translated GREEN.

Finally, looking at Revelation 6:8 it states:
“And I looked, and behold a CHLOROS horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”
This was translated PALE.
Every other time CHLOROS was translated GREEN, so why was it translated PALE here? They teach you to use good, common sense when translating foreign languages. We don't have GREEN horses. As the translator thinks about this, he tries to make the translation make sense. In Thayer's Greek Dictionary, CHLOROS defines as
  1. Green
  2. Yellowish Pale
    In Revelation 6:8 of the New Revised Standard version of the Bible it states:
“I looked and there was a PALE GREEN horse! ...”
This translation was closer to the proper translation of the word than the King James version.
With that being said, let's look at this horse again. With the belief systems of Catholicism, Communism and Capitalism having the official colors of White, Red, and Black, is there a belief system whose official color is GREEN?
An article was written by Daniel Pipes titled Militant Islam Reaches America. Within that article the following statement was found:
“The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 prompted loose talk about Islam replacing Marxism-Leninism (or Communism) as the West's necessary enemy. In symbolic terms, it was said that Green (Islam's color) had replaced Red (Communisms color) in the West's Rogues Gallery.”
Note that this article appears exactly that way it was written. I did not supply any additional text as my personal thoughts. The comments in parenthesis were exactly the way it was written in the article. This was not a prophecy article. This was not a spiritual article. This was strictly a political article.
Here it is clearly said the fear we have had for Marxism (the Red Power) for years is now being replaced by the fear of Islam (the Green Power).
If you look them up, you will see that many of the flags of Islamic Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Flag of Islam are predominantly green.
Should you visit the Temple Mount you would see the wrought iron fence is painted green that is around the fountain where the Muslim worshipers wash their hands, face and feet before they go into worship. You would see much of the wrought iron all over the Temple Mount is painted green. You would see many of the doors and gates, including the door to the entrance of the Temple Mount, are all painted green.
In 2007, the top part of our own Empire State Building was all lit up in green during the month of Ramadan that year. They officially said they are doing this in respect to Islam.
The rest of the prophecy says:
“The rider on the back of the Green Horse was Death...”
Could this be as in suicide bomber? The religion of the suicide bombers is Islam.
The religion of Islam is actually a culture of death. Islam glorifies death. They teach their children for the time they are 2 years old that the highest thing they can do with their life is to become a martyr for Allah, a martyr for Islam. In return for martyrdom, they are promised immediate access to Paradise and the attentions 72 dark-eyed beautiful virgins. Parents are very proud of their children and are honored if they become martyrs for Allah. If their child dies as Shahid (a suicide bomber), they celebrate and have big parties. Muslims are taught that the only way to be assured of their salvation is to be a martyr for Allah.
This is the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches. The Bible says that all murderers will have their part in the lake of fire.
Continuing with what the prophecy says, it states
“The rider is Death, and HELL follows”
What a disappointment it is going to be for Muslims. If you or I kill someone, we can't expect to wake up in eternal life like it is being taught by the Muslim religion. Instead, the prophecy says that Hell followed behind.
The prophecy also says that this Green Horse Spirit will have
“power over the fourth part of the earth”
It is estimated that 1.3 to 1.8 billion people on earth today are Muslims. The population of the earth is 6.8 billion, so this is ¼ of the earth's population.
Power was given to the Green Spirit to kill with the sword and with hunger. Muslims also love killing by beheadings and take pride in this. 96% of Muslims are from Africa and South Asia. These are the most poverty stricken, hunger afflicted parts of the world.
So the question is …
Is this the time of the Green Horse era, now? Scripture tells us each one of these Horseman are the first 4 Seals and that the prophecy of the Green Horse occurs in the 4th Seal. The 5th Seal is the Great Tribulation. The 4th Seal era, the rise, the ressurection of Islam is supposed to occur right before the Great Tribulation. As you understand the prophecies of the Bible, you will see that we are approaching the time of the Great Tribulation right now.
In these lessons we have learned that:
  • Seal #1 = White Horse = Catholicism
  • Seal #2 = Red Horse = Communism
  • Seal #3 = Black Horse = Capitalism
  • Seal #4 = Pale Green Horse = Islam
Next, we will be discussing another major event that is supposed to take place before the Great Tribulation. It also has ties into Islam. Revelation 9:13-18 talks about a war that kills one-third of human race. This war is to start from the area of the Euphrates River. The Euphrates River starts in Turkey, flows down through Syria, and flows all the way through Iraq emptying into the Persian Gulf. This is so interesting because every inch of the Euphrates River is an Islamic river. It is controlled by Islam. And where is the fighting taking place today? The USA has 145,000 troups stationed along the Euphrates River.
Many people believe that the Euphrates River war is in progress right now. Many world leaders say we are actually in World War III but we don't know it yet.
What does this all mean? It means the Spirit of Islam is rising again.
Next we will discuss World War III as it is prophesied in your Bible.
Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at endtime.com.

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