Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Prophecies in your Bible are actually unfolding in your news, Today!

Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the prophecies of the End Times …

Today I want to sound the alarm and make you aware of the astounding prophecies in your Bible that are literally unfolding TODAY.

Obama's trip was really played down, but it was really quite an event. Huge decisions were taken and promises of quick action were made. Here is a summary of the results of President Obama's trip to the Middle East:

First, the USA promised to resume aid to the Palestinian Authority. Since the Palestinians went to the United Nations against our will and applied for non-member State recognition, the USA has been withholding payments from them. This put Palestine to the border of bankruptcy. During this trip, USA has agreed to resume payment to the Palestinians. It was announced that Israel was also going to resume payments to the Palestinian Authority. This is huge because Israel collects taxes from the Palestinian people living in the borders of Israel and gives them to the Palestinians. This is direly needed revenue.

Furthermore, President Mahmoud Abbas, the State of Palestine President, has announced he will not go to the International Criminal Court to file charges against Israel for 2 months.

What's interesting about all this is John
Kerry, US Secretary of State, announced this past Sunday, 3/24/13, that he will present a peace plan in 2 months.
Interesting that they both named the same time frame so it's obvious that John Kerry intends to move very rapidly on this.

A peace deal between Palestinians and Israelis with the backing of the international community will be probably the largest prophetic fulfillment since the crucifixion and ressurection of Jesus Christ. This is THE EVENT that will mark the FINAL 7 years to the battle of Armageddon. It will mark the beginning of the 3 ½ years before the revealing of the Antichrist and the advent of the Mark of the Beast. When this prophecy comes to pass, this is going to be huge.

Following is taking this news into full details and explanations:

One of the last things that President Obama achieved before he left Israel was to serve as a mediator between Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Netanyahu and the Prime Minister of Turkey, Mr. Erdogan. They have been on the outs ever since the boarding of the ship where 9 Turkish activists were killed by Israeli soldiers. They had severed diplomatic relations. Turkey had been insisting for 3 years that Israel apologize. Israel has never apologized for defending her borders because they have a blockade against Gaza and say, “Nothing comes in there that we don't first of all inspect.” They would let it through as long as it was ok, but “we're not going to let you take things into Gaza if you're bringing in rockets or ammunition...” They have intercepted some ships that were absolutely loaded with bombs, rockets and all kinds of weaponry. Turkey took great offense to this and were trying to run the blockade. Israel has a right to inforce her blockade, according to international law. But, because when the boarded the ship, there was hostilities that commenced and 9 Turkish activists died. Israel finally apologized on the runway just before President Obama boarded Air Force One and left the nation of Israel. Because of this, diplomatic relations will be restored between Israel and Turkey.

Only since the Palestinians became a recognized state from the UN do they now have access to file charges against other nations before the International Criminal Court (ICC). President Mahmoud Abbas, the State of Palestine President, told President Obama he will not go to the ICC to file charges against Israel for 2 months in hopes that the US can convince Israel to freeze settlement construction as a precondition for relaunching peace talks. He added, however, that, should Israel follow through on plans to build in the E1 Corridor between Jerusalem and Ma'ale Adumim (which Israel may do) that Abbas will turn to the ICC. He continued to say that the US had released nearly $500 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority in recent weeks. The US Congress had held up the aid to the Palestinians in the aftermath of the PA's unilateral actions at the UN.

The same Palestinians that said they will not go before the ICC for 2 months said in an article entitled “PA Official: Kerry Will Present Plan Of Action In 2 Months: The US pushed for finding a solution to the Middle East problem between Palestinians and Israelis has begun.” The article also said, “The US administration will, in the next 2 months, present a plan of action to the 2 sides for the next political steps, he added. He claimed that if Israel haulted all Jewish construction in the area and recognized the pre-1967 borders, it could lead to an immediate resumption of talks.”

President Obama made the point in his speech that, if you put all these preconditions on talks, why do we even need talks? If we do all these preconditions, than what is there to talk about? There is nothing to talk about.

In Obama's speech, he stressed a point he has previously neglected. He said that we understand there is a connection between the land of Israel and the Jewish people.

It is important to understand the USA's position in stating that Israel is here to stay. Israel is not going anywhere. President Obama is saying Israel has the mightiest nation on earth at their back and we will not let them be wiped off the map. We're going to make sure you (Israel) are secure.

Now, let's get onto what your future state is going to look like. This makes it appear that President Obama wants to look at what sort of state is to be desired. By this question, Obama is referring to the danger of defining Israel as a Jewish and Democratic state in light of the growing Palestinian population in the west bank and continued occupation.

Obama defined Israel as a Jewish state. Abbas has never been willing to say it's a Jewish state because he has dreams of there being such a large, Palestinian minority, that soon they will be able to out-vote the Jews. Then there would be an Arab Prime Minister of Israel. Obama said if you absorb all these Jews and you adopt all this territory and you don't draw a border between the Jewish part of the state and the Arab part of the state, they're going to pass you soon and there will be no Jewish state -OR- If there is a Jewisth state, you will have to go away from democracy because if you allow all your citizens to vote, the Arabs will out-vote you. This is one of the big arguments of the 2 State Solution. Abbas objects to this 2 State Solution and calls it racism.

This 2 State Solution is not God's answer! God's answer is: “When I bring you into the land I promised to your Father, Abraham, you are to utterly drive out the inhabitants thereof.”

If Israel would have done that in the 1967 war, they would have none of the problems they have today. But, they didn't, so they do have the problems and went straight toward what the Bible prophecies is going to happen.

So now the question is:
Where will all these things unltimately lead?

The Bible teaches us what's going to happen. There are apparently going to be provisional borders between Israel and the Palestinian state, and they will apparently agree. They are also going to decide to deal with the Temple Mount as a sharing place between Muslims and Jews. The Temple Mount, that 35 acres, where the Muslims say they must worship there at the Dome of the Rock and the Jews say this is their Holiest Place and they must worship there. Consequently, there is going to be a deal struck, they are going to share the Temple Mount under the supervision of international control.

As far as Jerusalem goes, it appears it will not be settled and it appears it will be put off until later because they just cannot come to an agreement. Netanyahu apparently will not agree to redivide Jerusalem and the Palestinians will not agree to a permanent settlement that does not give East Jerusalem as their capital. Since they cannot come to an agreement they have decided to do this for probably 7 years because the Bible says the Antichrist will confirm the covenant with many for 7 years. In 7 years they will come back to the table and try to solve the Jerusalem problem. For now they have apparently decided that Netanyahu would agree to such an agreement, the Palestinians would have their state now, the Jews would be able to worship on the Temple Mount now and they would even build their Temple at one end of the Temple Mount. So it appears there will be a time of peace for a while.

But, when the issue of Jerusalem comes back up, Israel will say sorry this is our eternal capital and we can never let it go and that will unltimately prompt the invasion of Israel by the international community. Zechariah 14:2 says:
“I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle...”
As the battle over the Temple Mount continues, there will be animal sacrifices being offered because they are training their young priests for the time when they will have their Temple on the Temple Mount.

Folks, time is getting shorter. If you have not made your decision to accept Jeusu Christ as your Lord and Savior, you're running out of time. God is revealing His prophecies to us. He put them in the Bible so we could understand and be prepared for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Next, we will get to the teachings of World War III.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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