Thursday, March 21, 2013

Part 4:  USA in the Bible and the 4 Beasts of Daniel

Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the prophecies of the End Times …

We are currently analyzing the Beasts in Daniel 7. We have learned:

  1. A Beast always represents a Kingdom or a Nation along with the Ruler of that Kingdom or Nation.
  2. All these nations will be on earth at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

We have determined that:
  1. The Lion with Eagle's Wings = Great Britain and the Wings are the United States of America.
  2. The Bear = Russia
  3. The Leopard with 4 Heads = Germany and the Wings are France.

We will now look at the last Beast, which may be the most important. Daniel 7:7 states:
“Behold a fourth Beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly: and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it... and it had ten horns.”

First we look at the 10 Horns. Daniel 7:24 states:
“ and the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first and he shall subdue three kings.”

Here we have One Nation or Kingdom, but 10 Kings. This appears to be an alliance or a federation of sorts. We learn more about this in Revelation 17:12 where it states:
“and the ten horns which thou sawest are the ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”

The beast it is referring to here is the Last Day Dictator, the Antichrist. These are 10 kings that will subjugate themselves to the power of the Antichrist and support him.

One hour does not necessarily mean 60 minutes. This is a figure of speech meaning a very short time. In a very short time, they will give their power to the Antichrist. It continues to say in Revelation 17:13-14:
“These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb. The Lamb will overcome them; for He is Lord of Lords, and Kings of Kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”

This tells us the 10 Kings will continue to rule with the Antichrist all the way to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and when Jesus comes back they are actually going to fight against Him. This is depicting the battle of Armageddon.

One more thing about the 10 Horns that will help us know who they are. In Daniel 2:44 it refers to these last 10 Kings but it symbolizes them in a totally different way. This is at the end of the Daniel Image prophecy where he sees the Head of Gold, Arms and Breast of Silver, Belly and Thighs of Brass, Legs of Iron, and Feet of Iron mingled with Clay. The Feet of Iron mingled with Clay depict the Holy Roman Empire born in 800 AD and the Legs of Iron are the Roman Empire.

Notice the 10 Toes on the Feet are also Iron mingled with Clay. Daniel 2:44 refers to these 10 Toes as the same 10 Kings that are going to make war with Jesus Christ when He comes by stating:
“And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom...: and the kingdom shall not be left to the other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”

From this verse we know that the 10 Toes are the same as the 10-Horned Kingdom and will be the revival of the Holy Roman Empire from Europe.

You need to know that the Holy Roman Empire is being reborn right now. The Holy Roman Empire has always ruled in the area of Europe. Germany is almost always the heart of it. France is usually involved. Italy is always there. Most of the time in the Holy Roman Empire it has been a political leader from Europe and a spiritual leader every time from Italy, from the Vatican. They have all put their power together to establish the Holy Roman Empire.

A lot of people think that the Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist in 1806 AD. That it true. It did temporarily. But the Bible prophecies that it will be in existance at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The 10 Toes of Iron mingled with clay / 10 Horns are going to be the power base of the Antichrist.

The Holy Roman Empire is being reborn right now. With the Common Market in 1957 and then the European Union in 1993, Europe has now gone together. 27 nations have now joined together. They have 500 million people. They are totally unified economically. They now have one money, the Euro. They are soon to have a European President of their own.

So you are watching the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire. From that rebirth will emerge the Antichrist and the False Prophet.

Now back to Daniel 7:24, it further states:
“...and another king shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.”

This is a special sign as to the identity of the Antichrist. He is going to come up, he's going to uproot 3 kings, and he is going to become very great. He, himself, will become the Antichrist.

Notice in Daniel 7:21-22 it says,
“I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgement was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.”

You're seeing here the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation begins 3 ½ years before the battle of Armageddon and it continues until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Notice one more thing. Daniel 7:23 states:
“Thus he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down.”

This is a prophecy of a One-World Governmental System. There is a One-World Government under the guise of Globalization forming right now. You are watching the birth of the one-world order, the One-World Government. This will wind up devouring the whole world.

That's the bad news. The good news is Daniel 7:27:
“And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the
whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High.”

How it will happen is the Antichrist will launch his last envasion of the nation of Israel called Armageddon. Zechariah 14:2 says:
“For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle.”
They will fight down through the nation of Israel. It will look like Israel will be wiped off the map just like many people have called for recently. And just when it looks like all is lost... the Bible says:
The Lord, Himself will decend from heaven with a shout; with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God!! That is when Jesus Christ will return and the Antichrist will be put down. We will crown Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the saints (us who believe in Christ) will reign with Him forever and ever.

Next, we will discuss the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at

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