Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Equipping God's Saints (Believers of Christ)
through the prophecies of the End Times ...

March 20th, President Obama is scheduled to visit Israel for the first time since becoming president. This visit is extremely important. When you are in the capacity of the President of the United States, every move you make is calculated to achieve certain goals. If Israel does not get a government put together by that time, the trip will be cancelled, however, everyone is proceeding as though they know a government will be put together by that time.

Israel is extremly dependent on their armed forces because they live in a constant state of fear and alert because the enemies all around would love to destroy her.

The Defense Minister of Israel states that a fully fledged Peace Agreement with the Palestinians is probably not feasible today. There is considerable talk about an interim (temporary) agreement.
The issue is the negotiation of Jerusalem. The general belief is that without giving up part of Jerusalem for a Palestinian capitol, they can't come to a final deal

It has been suggested that there be an interim agreement where there will be provisional borders of the Palestinian State. Perhaps the borders can be agreed upon and that the status of Jerusalem can be left for another day.

The Bible prophecies about peace in the Middle East in Daniel 9:27. It states that the Antichrist will confirm the Abrahamic covenant with many for 7 years. This seems to speak of an interim agreement. It continues to indicate that the battle of Armageddon will be triggered at the end of that 7 years where the international community will invade Israel over the issue of Jerusalem, which seems to be an unsolvable issue. Jerusalem is such an important issue because the Almight God has said “I will put My Name there.”

The Antichrist will be involved in this peace agreement, however we will not know who he is because there will be several parties involved. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 actually teaches that the man of sin will be revealed when he stands in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

The option besides a peace agreement or an interim agreement is a Bi-national State. Most Israelis are opposed to this because they know that the Arabs will end up outnumbering them before too long. If they are going to continue the appearance of a democracy, they have to give all their citizens a vote. Once the Arabs are able to out vote the Israeli's, they will end up with an Arab Prime Minister of Israel. None of the Jewish people of Israel want to take a chance on this happening.

To be VERY CLEAR about a Peace Agreement...
This is NOT a good thing. It will begin the countdown to the battle of Armageddon. Israel should not sign a peace deal at all. Israel should keep all the land because the Bible says When I bring you into the land that was promised by your forefather, Abraham (this was promised to Abraham), then you are to occupy the land. Obama is saying you've got to give up that land and you've got to move out of that land, when the Bible tells them to occupy the land. Everything President Obama is pressuring them to do is exactly the opposite of what God tells them they should do. The reason why Israel is doing this is because of her unbelief and her backslid condition. This will all culminate at the battle of Armegeddon.

If they do not get a peace treaty or an interim agreement now, it will probably happen after the war that kills 1/3 of the world's population. The cry for peace at that time will be so deafening that Israel and the Palestinians will be pressed into it.

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at endtime.com.

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