Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Part 2 of 2 – Today's News Update: 7/01/2013

Equipping God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the End Times …

I cannot promise you that things are going to get better. They may get worse. I'm believing in the United States of America and we are going to have a revival.

However, in the world in general, it's going to get worse. The Bible is very clear in Revelation 13:7 that the Antichrist under his one-world governmental system, which is forming right now, will make war against the saints and will overcome them. Think about that.

If you feel defeated today as a Christian, if you feel like you have been overcome, that's Biblical. That's what is going to happen in these end times as everything goes down toward the horrible culmination at the Battle of Armageddon.

However, you are not defeated today, as long as you don't change your mind. As long as you hold your standards. As long as you don't bow the knee to whatever everyone else is doing and you hold your commitment to the truth of the scriptures.

You are not defeated today! This is a temporary situation. This will not last. We are already moving toward the time when human government will be suspended and Jesus Christ will be crowned King of kings and Lord of lords.

That is our hope, so in this time when it appears defeat is coming to the people of God, remember it looked like Jesus had lost, as well. When they pounded those nails into His hands and hung Him on that cross, it looked like horrible defeat. People who entrusted in Him, thought He was the Messiah, were standing at the foot of the cross with their minds groping. What is going on here? This is the One we thought would redeem Israel. We thought this was the One who would fulfill the Messianic prophecies for the whole world. And yet, look what happened. Here He hangs.

They took Him down from the cross. The disciples go trudging back to their quarters. They are sitting around filled with gloom. What do we do now? Finally Peter said, “I'm going fishing.” Some of the others said, “I'm going with you.”

They had to put their lives back together because this Jesus had disruppted their lives. He called them from their occupations and they left all to follow Him. Now it looked like every bit of it was dashed upon the rocks of reality. So they went fishing.

Time was passing and while they were in the boat, a shadowy figure showed up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. He called out, “Have you any meat?”

The disciple said, “No. We have toiled all night and caught nothing.”

Then the voice said, “Cast your net down on the right side.”

They had just cleaned their nets. They had toiled all night and were getting ready to give it up. They were going to the shore. Yet there was something so compelling about that voice, they had heard it before, that they obeyed.

They cast their nets on the right side. The Bible says they encountered a draw of fish they had never had before. They had caught zero, but with this one draw of the net, they caught 153 fish.

Peter was a lifelong fisherman. He was in the business. He owned his own rig. He knew this was totally beyond the norm. He looked at his fellow disciples and said, “It's the Lord. You can have this boat. I'm going to shore.” He plunged into the sea and made his way to the shore.

It looked like they had just suffered the worst defeat of their lives. When three days before that, Jesus had bowed His head, gave up the Ghost, and died. But now, all of a sudden, He's back, He's alive. Defeat has miraculously turned into victory.

What are we experiencing today? There are going to be many seemingly defeats between here and Armageddon. We are going to fight the battles of our life. We should do it without ever flinching because interspersed in all of these supposed victories of the Antichrist and the one-world governmental system will be great revival.

We will see people born again. We will see the greatest revival the world has ever known if we will focus on the ultimate goal and not on the temporary defeats.

That is what I am hoping to convey to you today. We all need to realize these things must happen. The Bible says,
“As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.”

What was it like in the days of Lot? Just like it was on June 26, 2013 in the Supreme Court. They ruled that homosexuality was good. If you don't think it is good, you are the enemy.

The angels had come to Lot's house in the form of men. The men of Sodom knew there were two new men in town. They wanted them so they went banging on Lot's door, almost tearing the door down. Finally, the angels smote the men with blindness so they wearied themselves with finding the door.

That was how corrupt and how militant the gay agenda was back in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Well, it's back. It – Is - Back! “As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.”

What does this Supreme Court ruling mean? It means that Jesus Christ is coming very soon. Are you ready?

Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, of whom I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at endtime.com.

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