God's Saints (Followers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the
End Times …
the Lord revealed to Daniel the prophecies of the end times, in
Daniel 12:8-9, Daniel has this conversation with the Lord:
I heard, but I understood not; then said I, O my Lord, what shall be
the end of these things?
he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed
till the time of the end.”
ones, we are now living in those end times. We are now understanding
what the prophecies are revealing to us as we see them literally
unfold before our very eyes.
prayer is, Dear Lord, those who have ears to hear, let them hear what
the scriptures are saying. Those who have eyes to see, let them see
these revelations we are living in right now as the end times and
that time is running out.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013, the US Supreme Court ruled the Bible is not
true and should be ignored. Scripture clearly states marriage is
between one man and one woman. Yet, in a vote of 5-4, five Supreme
Court justices declared themselves to be wiser than God. We will
someday remember this day as a day when judgment was determined for
the United States of America.
Supreme Court of the United States of America determined that the
Defense of Marriage Act is an unconstitutional law. To say that
marriage is only between a man and a woman is against the
constitution of the United States. This court has been stacked for a
long time against God and against the Bible and for humanism.
vote was 5-4 … One person decided marriage was no longer between a
man and a woman. One person carried the balance of power in this vote
and put himself in a position to say the Bible is not true. You just
cannot trust the Bible when it says that God made male and female and
said it was good. Genesis 2:24 says:
shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto
his wife, and they shall be one flesh.”
when God ordained marriage. That's what He intended for marriage to
Supreme Court said the Bible is not true. The Bible is a myth. The
Bible is not to be trusted. Our voice is more important than
scripture. The opinion of President Barack Obama is more important
than the Bible.
talking about this not with hatred nor malice, but not with fear,
either. So where are we? Where does this leave us, those of us who
are Bible believing Christians? Is there any hope left? After hearing
this, my first thought was, only God can help us now. But, actually,
He was the only One who could help up before this Supreme Court
ruling; when we find ourselves in a place where powers have gained
control of the government of the United States of America, that are
anti-Bible, anti-God.
cannot be Christian and embrace same-sex marriage. You cannot be
Christian while you trash the Bible. You are either on one side or
the other. You either think the Bible is a myth, that It's uncivil
(that's what they ruled; that in the name of civil rights we have to
have same-sex marriage), or you don't.
said it violates the rights of married, gay couples. There is no such
thing as married, gay couples. How can it violate the rights of
married, gay couples when marriage is between a man and a woman? They
may be a gay couple, but there is no such thing as a married, gay
couple. A man can no more marry a man than a man can marry a dog, or
a cat, or a cow. It's just wrong!
do we get our sense of right and wrong? How do you tell what is right
or wrong? Once you decide that the Bible is no longer the standard of
right and wrong, then you just make the rules up as you go along.
There is no limit to how far you can go. Then it would just depend on
whoever is in power at the time to tell us what is right and what is
is what is happening right now. We have kicked to the curb the Bible.
We have kicked to the curb the Constitution.
Obama is going to use the Environmental Protection Agency to set
carbon standards. That should only be done by a law enacted by the
Congress, and yet he's going right around the Congress and we're
moving into a dictatorship ... We're talking about a total
surveillance society.
bringing these up because the Bible talks about a One-World
Government coming. There will be a man ruling, and he will be a
strong ruler. His word will become law. He can tell us when we can
buy or sell. He can tell us who we should worship.
think it can't get there? We didn't think we would ever see the day
when the United States of America, 5 people could overturn the will
of the US Congress.
would like to say that all the American people are for same-sex
marriage today, but that's not true. Only 12 states have now embraced
it. Of those 12 states, only 4 or 5 were done by referendum. The rest
were done by liberal courts or liberal congresses that enacted this.
So, even though they like to say everyone is for it, most states,
when they have the chance to vote, have voted against it.
we are either going to value the Bible as God's word, or we are going
to go in total anarchy. Who says murder is wrong? We've already
broken that stigma down with the proliferation of abortions. Think
about this... If a baby is inside the womb, you can kill it. If it's
outside the womb, it's murder. How do you do that? Something has
broken in the American soul.
not going to lay this at the feet of the politicians. I'm going to
lay it at all of our feet. Where are we? I'm asking these questions
to awaken all of us...
you teaching your children the values of the Bible? Do you even know
what the values of the Bible are? Perhaps your parents didn't teach
you. If your parents didn't teach you, then you need to open the
Bible for yourself and begin to read. David said,
“Thy word is a
lamp unto my feet and a light to my pathway.”
of all, aquire Biblical values for yourself. Associate yourself with
a church where they preach the Bible and they don't preach just part
of the Bible. They preach the entire Bible. They preach it with
ferver and they preach it with love, but they preach it. They don't
compromise it. If the Bible says no fornicator, no adulator, no
effeminate nor homosexual shall inherit the kingdom of God, don't
skip that scripture.
many people are willing to skip scripture because they disagree with
it. If God is God and you disagree with Him, who do you change? Do
you change God ... or do you change yourself? If we are to bow before
God, that means we submit ourselves unto Him. When God's word
contradicts us or our lifestyle, the time has not come to change
God's word, which is what is happening today.
5 people on the Supreme Court … they know what the Bible says about
marriage. Genesis 2:24, as quoted at the beginning of this blog,
tells what marriage is.
did we get to such a perverted stance, where the most prestigious
court in our nation could rule that the Bible is not true? They are
right and the Bible is wrong? They threw the Bible under the bus.
They looked God in the face and said we are smarter than You.
not trying to draw hate on anyone. I'm just saying we are so far from
God right now. Remember when Israel got so far from God? They even
got so far as to sacrifice their children to false gods. They were
sending their children through the fires. We may not do that, but
we'll just abort them.
next step is euthanasia. We've got a real problem in this country and
we are going to have more people on retirement and drawing government
benefits than the people who are working can pay. Already in Europe,
a person can choose to end their life when they are no longer
productive. Adolf Hitler did it. Anyone not productive, get them out
of the way, end their life.
we come to that place in America? We're almost there now. Why not? When
we no longer fear God nor reverence His word, we can do whatever we
think we should do. That's where we have come to as a nation.
the answer? It starts with you and me. I'm not blaming this on
President Obama. I'm not blaming this on the Supreme Court, although
they will certainly share their burden. They will meet God before too
long and will answer to Him. President Obama will stand before God
and explain why he was such a strong advocate of abortion. He will
stand before God and he will answer why he became the champion of
same-sex marriage ~ of sodomy ~ of homosexuality.
have to stand before God for me. We have to ask ourselves: Have I lost my salt? Am I no longer influential in the world in which
I live? Have I become so compromised and so lukewarm, spiritually,
that I no longer effect the world about me?
line … We need a revival in the United States of America. A
spiritual answer is the only answer.
Resources: The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, of whom I am accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to visit his website at endtime.com.
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