4 – The Coming One-World Religion
God's Saints (Believers of Christ) through the Prophecies of the
End Times …
we have learned about the critical role the last 5 Popes have played
in establishing the world government presently being built through
the process of globalization. Now, we are going to learn about the
secret relationship between Mikhail Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II.
We will see how they worked together to bring down the Berlin Wall
and usher in the New World Order.
when we say “New World Order”, it's just another name for the
world government prophesied in the Bible for the endtime.
1917, the Bolshevic Revolution took over the Soviet Union. The
Bolshevik Revolution continued in the Soviet Union up until World War
1942, Communism only ruled one country, the Soviet Union, which means
approximately 6% of the world's population. By 1962, Communism ruled
50% of the world's population. It was an amazing revolution sweeping
our world.
happened was at the end of World War II, at Yalta, the Soviet Union
was given control over all of eastern Europe. They took control of
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia,
Estonia and of course East Germany. In addition to that, in 1949 the
communist swept through China, taking over the most populist nation
on the face of the earth.
1942 at 6% to 1962, half of the world's population was now under the
iron heel of international Communism. It appeared that Communism was
taking over the entire world. Even Henry Kissinger stated that the
days of Capitalism were possibly over.
John XXIII, seeing the huge red wave sweeping the world had a
decision to make. Does the Church fight against this Communist
advance, or is it too powerful? Should we move to make an alliance
with Communism?
Church was really more friendly toward a Socialist type of economy
then they were toward free enterprise. They called it social justice
and they felt like there were times for legitimate wealth
redistribution. Consequently, in 1961, Pope John XXIII appointed Mr.
Agostino Casaroli to begin building bridges with the Communist world.
1978, Malachi Martin wrote a book called “The Final Conclave”.
[Conclave means the eleciton of a Pope.] Malachi Martin was a Jesuit
Priest, and he was a Catholic Priest till the day he died. He was the
unltimate insider. He actually had taught at Vatican College in Rome
for 6 years and was an intimate friend with Pope John XXIII.
On a WBBM radio interview in 1978, he said there was a tremendous struggle
taking place inside the Roman Catholic Church. They were believing
that the next Pope should be a Communist. Martin believed if the next
Pope were a Communist, if Communism captured the Church, that they
would gain control over the entire world and would then turn and
destroy the Church.
prophecies of the Bible say that this is what's yet going to happen
in the future. The Bible talks about a world government gaining
control of the world with an alliance with religion. After they use
their alliance with religion to gain control, that the political
powers will then turn and destroy the religious element. What
Malachi Martin was saying on the radio is exactly what is in the
went on to say on the radio interview that Pope Paul VI was
terminally ill at the time (1978). There was a tremendous jostling
for position for choosing the next Pope and gaining control of the
powerful entity that we know of as the Roman Catholic Church.
on in 1978, Pope Paul VI died. The conclave was called and a new Pope
was elected. Pope John Paul I was the name that he took to rule
being elected, Pope John Paul I only ruled for a very short 33 days.
He died unexpectedly. What was so amazing was, this Pope was said to
be in wonderful health. He was only 65 years old. Never had a day's
heart trouble in his life. Yet, they said he died of a heart attack, unexpectedly, during the night.
a book appears on the shelves called “In God's Name” by David
Yallop. On the heels of that, another book appeared called “Pontiff”
by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts. Then Malachi Martin wrote
another book called “Vatican”. In all of these books, they
claimed that the Pope was assassinated. They gave very, very
compelling proof.
the book “Vatican”, Malachi Martin said he was assassinated and
then Martin appeared on “Politics & Religion” radio program.
[Note: “Politics & Religion” is a daily radio program
featuring Pastor Irvin Baxter of Endtime Ministries. You can hear
this wonderful program daily on many radio stations and you can
connect to it on his website at] Martin said, “There's
no doubt to those of us who are inside the workings of the Roman
Catholic Church that the Pope was indeed assassinated.”
Pope John Paul I was the Pope that Martin favored who he thought
would purge the Church of its corruption. But there were apparently
forces inside the Church that were determined, they were this close
to gaining control of the Church. They were not going to allow Pope
John Paul I to mess it up.
you have any doubts in your mind, on the day Pope John Paul I died,
there was a man in charge of Vatican Bank. His name was Paul
Marcinicus. He was accused of wide spread corruption so much so that
the Italian government had issued an order for his arrest. He avoided
arrest by staying inside the walls of the Vatican. You probably know
the Vatican is a sovereign state of it's own, so the Italian
government was not allowed to come there to execute this warrant for
the arrest. Pope John Paul I ordered the removal of Paul Marcinicus
from his control of many billions of dollars per year as head of the
Vatican bank.
same day, he ordered the disciplining of the powerful Arch Bishop of Chicago, Cardinal Cody. It had come out two or three years prior to
this that Cody had funneled 1.3 million dollars of Church money to a
woman in Florida. When this became public, he said she was a distant
cousin that needed help. After a little bit of investigative
journalism, it was revealed that, in fact, she was a friend of
Cardinal Cody's. Knowing this, Pope John Paul I ordered the removal
of Marcinicus that day and the disciplining of Cardinal Cody. Neither
order was ever carried out. Instead, the Pope died that very night.
it's time for another Pope. The Prelates all return to Rome. They go
to the Sistine Chapel and when the white smoke comes out of the
chimney, the signal that we have a Pope, the announcement was made.
Karol Wojtyla of Poland. Everyone said, “Who is that?”
took the name of Pope John Paul II to rule under. This Pope was the
youngest Pope elected in 154 years. He was the first Non-Italian Pope
in 455 years. This was a revolutionary choice. Normally the Popes
came from Italy since the Church is called the Roman Catholic Church. This
is the real important issue … He was the first Pope, ever, from a
Communist country; ever. in the history of the Roman Catholic Church.
#1 claim to fame was that he had presided over the Church in Poland
for 45 years under Communism. The Church had not only survived, but
it had actually thrived under this arrangement; this alliance between
Catholicism and Communism.
the votes were being counted in conclave to determine who won to be
the new Pope, to pass the time, Mr. Wojtyla read the “World Marxist
Revue”, the official publication of international Communism.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit and God Almighty, who I am
accountable to. I have prayed diligently and am led to follow and
support the teachings of Pastor Irvin Baxter from Endtime Ministries
and his teachings of Understanding the End Times. I encourage you to
visit his website at
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